雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 復仇女屍 The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls 線上看故事發生在一場人為的放毒事件後。幾個女孩喝了有毒的牛奶後中毒而死,但毒藥的副作用使她們都化為了喪屍,並開始瘋狂的殺人。慶幸的是,她們只在晚間離開墳墓。隨著警察開始介入調查死亡事件,發現這似乎是一個陰謀:有某些人用化學藥品控制 ...

  2. Daughter of Darkness 2劇情. Another gruesome case involving a woman who's a sole survivor of a brutal massacre. A local constable questions the woman about her whereabouts and what might have happened the night before. As he gets the young woman to talk, she spins a tale of debauchery, madness and people so vile that you wished that they'll ...

  3. The Piper劇情. Shortly after the Korean war, a father and a son are wandering through the country and make a stop in a remote village, where strange and dangerous happenings occur.

  4. 天魔 The Omen 線上看真正震撼人心的日子就要來臨–2006年6月6日,由茱莉亞‧史提爾以及李佛‧薛伯所主演的【天魔】,將在這一天全球同步上映。根據1976年的經典恐怖片重拍而成的【天魔666】,內容一樣是講述美國參議員意外發現他的兒子,很可能是撒旦轉世的化身,一連串離奇的死亡事件,即將 ...

  5. 納尼亞傳奇:銀椅劇情. Eustace is sent to a horrible school, and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from the bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of them are magically transported from the garden shed into the magical world of Narnia, where they are entrusted with a task by Aslan: to rescue the king's stolen son ...

  6. The Day of Swapping劇情. Min-ho and Jeong-il end up working with each other's wives one day. As time passes, the men feel attracted physically to their friend's wives. In the end, Jeong-il suggests to Min-ho, "Let's not take sides and just be happy as the four of us!" They start swapping each other.

  7. Espen “Ash Lad”, a poor farmer’s son, embarks on a dangerous quest with his brothers to save the princess from a vile troll known as the Mountain King – in order to collect a reward and save his family’s farm from ruin.