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  1. CPA Australia online provides members with a range of finance, accounting and business information services and education.

  2. Here's how: first, apply to become a CPA Australia member, complete the CPA program, meet your experience requirements, make sure you have a degree. Then you're officially a CPA, and can use the CPA designation to enhance your personal brand. Learn about being a member of CPA Australia.

  3. An international, interconnected member organisation. CPA Australia has a membership of 170,826 members in over 100 countries and regions, supported by 19 offices globally. Our core services to members include education, training, technical support and advocacy.

  4. The CPA Program pathway. Integrating education and practical experience, our program uses current and internationally relevant content to provide an understanding of the issues that organisations face every day. If you’ve studied an accounting-related degree, it's likely you can enter the CPA Program directly.

  5. The CPA Program requires the successful completion of six subjects: four compulsory and two electives. Each subject is delivered over a single semester (half a year) with an exam at the end. Subjects and course guide

  6. To become a CPA, you must hold a degree that is equivalent to an Australian bachelor’s degree or a post graduate degree with a minimum of eight subjects. While you can start the CPA Program before finishing your degree, the degree must be completed before you can advance to CPA status. Check if you meet the degree requirements.

  7. 澳洲注册会计师课程. 领先的课程设计,灵活的学习模式. 如何申请. 入会详细流程和常见问题解析. 成为澳洲注册会计师. 装备自己,打造成功事业. 成为澳洲注册会计师,您能从事什么职业? 专业会计的天空比您想象的更加广阔,没有人可以回答这个问题:“澳洲注册会计师是做什么的”。 会计岗位存在于各个业务环节,所含角色范围广泛:从薪酬支付主管到首席执行官或董事会主席。 很多澳洲注册会计师都是企业的领导者。 他们在各种机构内任职,其中包括小型企业、大型企业、跨国投资公司、政府和私人执业机构。 作为一名澳洲注册会计师,您需要具备分析和解释财务和非财务信息的能力,从而为企业的定位和目标提供建议。 您将得到认可,成为值得信赖的顾问。 以下是澳洲注册会计师任职岗位的一些示例. 首席财务官.

  8. 成为澳洲注册会计师. 今天即刻申请,明日大显身手. 现在申请. 澳洲会计师协会是全球领先的专业会计团体之一,在中华区也有千万名会员澳洲会计师协会会员的优势在于提升了自己能力的同时也可以被全球雇主认可,了解更多。

  9. www.cpaaustralia.com.au › your-cpa-program › in-semester-support-and-learningMy Online Learning | CPA Australia

    My Online Learning is CPA Australia's online education platform. You can use it to update your skills, claim continuing professional development (CPD) hours and find help for your studies in the CPA Program. It contains a range of online courses, providing you

  10. 澳洲會計師公會 ( 英文 : Certified Practising Accountant Australia ,簡稱 CPA Australia ;前稱Australia Society of Accountants,簡稱ASA [1] )成立於1886年,在121個國家擁有超過150,000名會員,是全球最大的專業會計團體之一。 澳洲會計師公會一直致力提供知識交流的平台、發展會員的專業網絡、對相關政府政策、標準和法規提出建議,以及在僱主、政府、監管機構和公眾等不同層面推廣澳洲註冊會計師的價值,從而提升會員的權益及地位。 澳洲註冊會計師資格廣受國際認可,是商業戰略領導才能的標誌。 公會在澳洲各大城市、香港、北京、上海、廣州、印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡、越南、紐西蘭及英國均設有支部或分會。

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