雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Hong Kong's Premiere Cruise Terminal- Your Gateway To Hong Kong & Asia. Highlights. Awards. Photo Gallery. Media Information. Architecture & Sustainable Design. 2024. 2025. 2026.

  2. Transportation Services 7 July 2024/ 7月7號交通安排

  3. Toggle navigation Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Home Highlights Awards Photo Gallery Media Information Architecture & Sustainable Design Schedule 2024 2025 2026 Facilities Restaurants Shopping Rooftop Park Money Exchange Luggage Storage Hong Kong ...

  4. Kai Tak Cruise Terminal is a cruise ship terminal on the former Kai Tak Airport runway in Hong Kong. Its completion date was delayed into 2013 due to re-tendering. Following an international competition, Foster + Partners was chosen to design the cruise terminal.

  5. 啟德郵輪碼頭 所在地,曾是世界最難著陸的機場跑道之一,如今已成為重要的郵輪設施。. 碼頭上可以飽覽維多利亞港令人嘆為觀止的美景,採光明亮的三層高大樓,擁有完善的配套、高效率而舒適的乘客設施及服務,讓遊客在候船區、入境及出境大堂都能流暢 ...

  6. Located on what used to be one of world’s most difficult-to-land airport runways, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal is now one of the world’s foremost cruise facilities. The three-storey building features light-filled passenger and service areas, jaw-dropping views of Victoria Harbour, an impressive slew of amenities and efficient movement between spaces.

  7. Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. Designed by renowned British architect Sir Norman Foster, this is the first facility to open as part of the redeveloped Kai Tak Airport. You don’t have to wait for your ship to come in to visit, it makes the most of its location at the tip of the old runway.

  8. 啟德郵輪碼頭 ( Kai Tak Cruise Terminal ),位於 九龍半島 九龍城區 啟德 承豐道 33號、即 舊啟德機場 跑道末端,乃國際性大型郵輪碼頭,附設兩個泊位,毗鄰 啟德跑道公園碼頭 。 目录. 1 歷史. 1.1 建築過程. 1.2 正式開幕. 2 接駁交通. 3 使用率. 4 圖集. 5 相關條目. 6 註釋及參考資料. 7 外部連結. 歷史. 郵輪業是世界旅遊及消閒事業增長最快和最受歡迎的環節之一,過去本港缺乏大型郵輪碼頭,郵輪公司如要把香港納入大型郵輪航程,便要將這些郵輪停於泊位長期緊張、毗鄰 尖沙咀天星碼頭 之 海運碼頭 ,甚至非供客運用途的 葵青貨櫃碼頭 [1] ,對旅客造成不便,更可能減低大型郵輪靠泊香港的意欲。

  9. Kai Tak Cruise Terminal is the newer cruise ship terminal in Hong Kong. It is huge and spacious, but it doesn’t look new or modern. There is nothing to do in the area, and travelers can only get around by private cars or taxis, which makes it super inconvenient.

  10. 啟德郵輪碼頭位於昔日啟德香港國際機場跑道末端,是香港重要旅遊基建之一。 碼頭設有兩個泊位,可同時容納兩艘總噸位達 220 000 噸的大型郵輪。 郵輪碼頭大樓樓高3層,設有碼頭、旅客清關設施及商業區,其獨特的設計讓它成為維多利亞港內的地標。 至於設於大樓天台、面積約 23 000 平方米的啟德郵輪碼頭公園,是香港大型公共天台花園之一,亦是欣賞維港景色的理想地點。 交通. 如規劃前往 啟德郵輪碼頭 的行程,可使用運輸署提供的「香港出行易」網站 ( https://www.hkemobility.gov.hk )或流動應用程式,輸入你的出發地點以搜尋不同交通路線,或點擊下方Google地圖的「規劃路線」按鈕。 本網站提供的資訊只供參考之用。 網站所述的資訊如有更改,應以有關部門或機構公布為準。

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