雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Situated by a beautiful marina and golden beach, Hong Kong Gold Coast spans hectares of lush greenery and landscape that offers a relaxing leisure lifestyle, attracting international and local holiday-goers as well as friendly neighbourhood communities attracted to the outdoors, sun and sand.

  2. 碧海藍天,盡享優悠生活 - 親身感受香港黃金海岸. 香港黃金海岸位處青山灣畔,簇擁黃金泳灘海天一色及鄉村俱樂部·遊艇會的愜意優閒,翠綠環抱,悠然寫意。. 僅半小時車程就可遠離鬧市繁囂,吸引本港及外地訪客以至區內朋友慕名前來,放懷香港黃金海岸 ...

  3. 住客会所设施完备,网球场、健身室及倘大的园林泳池,让您舒展身心,尽情享受悠閒度假生活。. 租期灵活,欢迎垂询。. 设备齐全的住客会所. 180度广阔海景视野. 50,000平方尺草坪. 与自然和谐共处,漫步邻近山区. 邻近黄金泳滩,方便进行各项水上运动. 购物 ...

  4. 探索黃金海岸. 若你喜歡大自然和戶外活動,你定會愛上香港黃金海岸。. 這裡有廣達五萬平方呎的草坪讓你悠閒溜達,全港最大的室外泳池之一讓你一展泳術,你亦可徒步走遍鄰近山坡小徑,漫步海濱長廊,或於海灘聆聽拍岸的浪聲,黃金海岸是您與親朋摯友 ...

  5. Siu Lang Shui Butterfly Habitat. Siu Lang Shui Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a lowland area which is located at Northwest New Territories, beside Castle Peak. The SSSI used to be a landfill during the 1970s. It was closed and later restored in the 1990s.

  6. Tuen Mun Park. The nearby Tai Lam Country Park is Hong Kong’s second largest country park, home to the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir, a popular scenic area perfect for shutterbugs. BACK. Nature. Leisure. Pleasure.

  7. 鯊魚冒險島. 全情投入無盡海洋,走進海底世界的懷抱。. 在接待處鯊魚先生的帶領下,你可以走進互動的海底投影,透過動作引出栩栩如生的海洋生物。. 好靜的小朋友可選擇在海盜作主題的手工藝閣內製作自己的作品,而身手敏捷的小朋友則可挑戰室內攀牆 ...

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