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  1. 3 天前 · 支持位 / 阻力位. 兌美元 7.0631 / 7.1309 ⬆. 兌港元 1.0929 / 1.1031. 昨天,離岸人民幣兌美元匯率上漲,因美聯署選擇大幅升息後美元普遍下跌。. 中國外匯監管機構稱人民幣市場變得更加穩定後,離岸人民幣受到支撐。. 美元兌離岸人民幣昨日下跌0.22%,而離 ...

  2. 5 天前 · 離岸人民幣. 支持位 / 阻力位. 兌美元 7.0635 / 7.1342 ⬆. 兌港元 1.0926 / 1.1028. 離岸人民幣兌美元昨日上漲,因美聯署降息預期可能為中國提供寬鬆貨幣政策的空間,並降低世界第二大經濟體的資本外流風險。. 美元兌離岸人民幣昨日下跌0.05%,而離岸人民幣兌港元收 ...

  3. 5 天前 · 警告:本文件的內容未經任何香港或任何其他司法管轄區的監管機構審閱。建議您就相關投資及本文件內容審慎行事。如您對本文件的內容有任何疑問,應向獨立人士尋求專業意見。 本文件由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(「本行」)在 香港經營受管制業務期間發佈,可在其他可合法分發本文件的 ...

  4. 5 天前 · vs HKD 5.1756 / 5.3335. AUD rose against the dollar yesterday, influenced by the RBA's hawkish stance and uncertainty surrounding the Fed's decision on Wednesday. With inflation remains elevated, RBA Governor emphasized the rate cuts remain premature. AUDUSD rose 0.72% yesterday while AUDHKD ended at 5.26 level.

  5. 3 天前 · 支持位 / 阻力位. 兑美元 7.0631 / 7.1309 ⬆. 兑港元 1.0929 / 1.1031. 昨天,离岸人民币兑美元汇率上涨,因美联署选择大幅升息后美元普遍下跌。. 中国外汇监管机构称人民币市场变得更加稳定后,离岸人民币受到支撑。. 美元兑离岸人民币昨日下跌0.22%,而 ...

  6. 3 天前 · vs USD 0.8374 / 0.8549 . vs HKD 9.1198 / 9.2988. CHF rose against the dollar yesterday as the USD eased across the board after the Fed cut interest rates by half a percentage point while hinting at further rate cut by the end of this year. USDCHF fell 0.12% yesterday while CHFHKD ended at 9.21 level.

  7. 4 天前 · The Fed meeting was closely watched, with market expectations split between 0.25% and 0.5%. In the event, the Fed policy normalisation started with a 0.5% cut, moving the rate to 4.75%-5% at its September meeting. The consensus among the Fed officials was that they now foresee two more 0.25% cuts this year, followed by four more cuts next year and two more cuts in 2026.

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