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  1. 3 天前 · 策略師表示,賀錦麗將以強勁的姿態加入辯論,選民希望聽到更多有關她的政策計劃。 她可能會攻擊特朗普任命了三名幫助推翻羅伊訴韋德案的最高法院法官;提到「2025計劃」,這是一個由他最親密的一些顧問撰寫的全面保守政策框架;並將以她曾為檢察官的過去與特朗普被判重罪作出對比。 59 歲的賀錦麗試圖將自己塑造成拜登政府的延伸和新一代的代表,並可能詳細介紹她的個人故事和中產階級的成長經歷。 自從賀錦麗參選以來,特朗普一直指責她是激進左派,同時也暗示她對拜登更中間派的政策議程有責任。 有時,他六質疑她的智力和混血身份。 預計賀錦麗將成為特朗普的勁敵,同時,有分析預測 78 歲的特朗普會試圖把注意力集中在導致拜登支持率下降的問題,包括通脹和邊境安全——同時暗示賀錦麗仍未準備好成為美國的領袖。

  2. 3 天前 · 澳中两国最关心的问题是什么?. 查默斯(Jim Chalmers)在接受澳广ABC采访时表示,他将于本月底访问中国,与中国官员进行“战略经济对话”。. 在 ...

  3. 2 天前 · The Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition has been deemed "the largest defence industry event ever held in Australia", and has sparked intense protests in Melbourne, where it's being held. The Land Forces Expo is not open to the public, with those attending needing to prove they have a connection to the defence industry.

  4. 4 天前 · Between 1985 and 2021 there were 2,007 confirmed suicide deaths of individuals who had served at least one day in the A-D-F since 1985. The report says an average of 78 serving or ex-serving A-D-F members have died by suicide each year for the past 10 years, that equates to an average of three deaths every fortnight.

  5. 6 天前 · 要點. 自2019年以來,喪禮費用大幅上漲。 越來越多澳洲人選擇簡單、非傳統甚至是具慶祝性的喪禮。 有人認為當你還活著的時候規劃你的喪禮可以讓你考慮什麼是真正重要。 去年 12 月,沃克 (Suzanne Walker) 的媽媽突然去世,她開始思考如何讓自己的喪禮與別不同。 沃克說:『媽媽的喪禮籌備得十分匆忙,加上對失去她的情感負擔,我們亦必須考慮財務和實際情況。 52 歲的沃克認為自己現時仍然「很年輕」, 也不應考慮死亡,但隨著喪禮費用的上升,她希望盡量減少未來她的喪禮對女兒所帶來的經濟衝擊。 她亦想減輕她們對失去她時的悲傷情緒,亦確保喪禮一切都如她所願。 Suzanne feels at peace knowing her funeral is all planned out.

  6. 2 天前 · Key Points. Protesters have clashed with police outside a military arms expo in Melbourne's CBD. The Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition will run from Wednesday to Friday. Thirty-nine people were arrested and charged with offences, Victoria's police commissioner said.

  7. 4 天前 · Published 9 September 2024, 2:55 am. The next census will include questions on both sexual orientation and gender after the federal government was forced to turn around on the issue last week. Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the government has listened to the concerns of the LGBTIQ+ community, and they will be counted. Tags. Australia. Politics.

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