雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 立即註冊/登入美心西餅會員即享高達88折優惠。購買$228或以上蛋糕即享88折; 購買$228以下蛋糕即享92折

  2. 由美心專業研發團隊獨家首創月餅的「流心技術」以及獨有「雙重烘焗」,濃滑奶黄、椰香與蛋香融合,無需加熱,切開後色澤金黄的香滑奶黄自然由心流出。 「雙重烘焗」令餅皮更酥香鬆化,香氣四溢,啖啖從心回味。 全新包裝設計,融合嶄新AR技術,將以往呈現的神話世界昇華,帶來萝幻的視覺體驗。 流心奶黃月餅小原箱一共6盒,零售價每盒$438,現特價每盒平均$259,更可享免費送貨服務! 立即選購. 16款滋味月餅現貨已上架. 買2盒月餅現貨,免費送貨! 今日起任選2盒月餅現貨,即可享免費送貨服務,最快於8月9日開始送貨。 今次仲有獨家新產品 - 「盛意臻選奶黃月餅」及新產品「拔絲草莓奶蓋風味月餅」全面登場! 即刻去選購啦! 立即選購. 團圓有心 快樂從心. 滙豐信用卡6折優惠.

  3. 網上訂購美心月餅、美心雞蛋卷、賀年禮盒、年糕、端午粽子及鮮肉臘腸等食品。.

  4. Up to 12% off exclusive discount, Let's join Maxim's Cakes membership! 12% off on Purchase of Cakes with original price at $228 or above; 8% off on Purchase of Cakes with original price below $228 Subscribe to learn more about Maxim’s Cakes promotions. We ...

  5. 美心西餅由1960年代的咖啡廳餅店,至今發展成香港最具規模之西餅連鎖店,遍佈港、九、新界港鐵沿線。 美心西餅帶領麵包及蛋糕新熱潮,由材料、款式以至店舖裝修均充滿無限創意,為顧客不斷推出各款新鮮美味的產品。

  6. 集團經營全港最具規模的西連鎖店,包括美心西餅、東海堂、Homebake等。

  7. Hong Kong Maxim’s Cakes 美心西餅, 觀塘. 61,205 likes · 443 talking about this · 35 were here....

  8. www.maxims.com.hk › mooncakeMaxim's Mooncake

    Discover the essence of Maxim's Mooncake, a renowned delicacy that captures the traditional flavors and modern innovation of Chinese cuisine.

  9. The new Maxim’s Cakes App allows you to order our popular cakes anytime and anywhere. Key Features: Order Cakes Online: Browse and order your favourite cakes. E-coupon: Exclusive e-coupons are offered from time to time. Latest News: Receive latest updates about our new products, promotions and stores.

  10. 美心西餅 Maxim's Cake Shop的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 美孚港鐵美孚站MEF 3號舖。.

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