雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 5 天前 · 成功進入1座破舊警察總部大樓證物室的老鼠,一點一滴地吃掉了被沒收的大麻。. The ageing offices of the police department in New Orleans are so dilapidated and vermin-infested that the animals managed to get into the evidence lock-up room, according to Police Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick.

  2. 4 天前 · 對(日本)富山縣礪波市的具有標誌意義的花展的主辦單位來說,免費送票給當地居民之舉宛如落花流水,因為許多票被放上網轉售。 While organizers of the Tonami Tulip Fair view reselling tickets intended for local residents as disrespectful, authorities have clarified that doing so isn’t illegal. 儘管礪波市鬱金香博覽會主辦單位將原欲送給當地居民的門票被轉售視為無禮不敬,但當局澄清,此舉並未違法。

  3. 3 天前 · 在佛羅里達州薩拉索塔管理莫特海洋實驗室與水族館鯊魚和魟魚保護研究計畫的德米安.查普曼說,這往往發生在雌性與雄性分開的情況下。. The boa in the U.K., a 6-foot, 13-year-old Brazilian Rainbow Boa named Ronaldo, gave birth last week after having no contact with any other snakes ...

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