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  1. 4 天前 · 10月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: September 19, 2023. 推薦10月的東京嗎? 10月正是最適合造訪東京的季節。 每年10月除了有各式各樣的食品展、寺廟祭典、文化祭、美術活動、影展及書展之外,還有熱鬧的萬聖節,可以感受風情萬千的東京魅力。 尤其秋天的紅葉景緻更是美不勝收。 10月不妨走一趟東京西部的山林地帶,親自體驗金黃色及豔紅色的繽紛色彩饗宴。 10月的東京天氣如何? 10月東京的平均氣溫為白天18度,晚上則14度左右,再加上濕度低,最適合觀光及戶外活動。 不過入夜後偏涼,最好隨身攜帶薄外套。 另外也必須提防降雨與颱風,建議事先規劃好雨天備案。 東京西部的山林地帶氣溫又會比市中心更低,巡遊時,不妨採用「洋蔥式」穿法。 10月的人氣活動與祭典. 東京的萬聖節

  2. 2 天前 · 公告訊息. 【請注意偽造帳號,勿上當受騙】. 請注意目前有偽造「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」的臉書帳號。. 請勿點擊偽造帳號的留言或任何相關連結,「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」並不會要求粉絲進行任何註冊或付款等動作。. 「東京旅遊Go Tokyo」只有此一粉絲專頁(https://www ...

  3. 4 天前 · 10月东京观光景点和活动推荐. Updated: September 19, 2023. 10月的东京值得推荐吗? 10月正是最适合造访东京的季节。 每年10月除了有各式各样的美食展、寺院庆典、文化节、美术活动、影展及书展之外,还有热闹的万圣节,您可以感受风情万千的东京魅力。 尤其秋天的红叶,更是美不胜收。 10月,您不妨走一趟东京西部的山林地带,亲自体验金黄和艳红的缤纷色彩飨宴。 10月的东京天气如何? 10月,东京平均气温为白天18度,晚上14度左右,且湿度低,最适合观光及户外活动。 不过入夜后偏凉,您最好随身携带薄外套。 此外,还要谨防降雨和台风,建议您事先规划好雨天备案。 东京西部的山林地带气温比市中心更低,游玩时,您不妨采用“洋葱式”穿衣法。 10月的热门活动和庆典.

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  4. 4 天前 · 東京地鐵網. 日本以擁有完善的鐵路網著稱,地鐵亦不例外。. 東京的地鐵共有280多座車站,範圍涵蓋了東京全區,不論要去哪裡都能快速抵達。. 路線圖使用淺顯易懂的顏色區分,車站及電車上亦標示有多國語言,搭乘起來簡單方便。. 1天之內會多次搭乘地鐵的 ...

    • Is October A Good Time to Visit Tokyo?
    • What Is The Weather Like in Tokyo in October?
    • Best Events, Festivals, and Other Things to Do in October

    October is a very pleasant time of year to visit Tokyo. October features food shows, temple festivals, cultural arts events, film festivals, book festivals, and, of course, Halloween. It is a great month for experiencing many different faces of Tokyo. But best of all, perhaps, is the autumn foliage. Vibrant hues of gold and crimson can be enjoyed i...

    The average temperature is around 18ºC (64°F) during the day, and 14ºC (57°F) at night. It is also good to be prepared for the occasional rainy day, and to be on the alert for typhoons. But the weather in October is generally not humid and the temperature is perfect for sightseeing and other outdoor activities. Carry a light jacket as it may get ch...

    Halloween in Tokyo

    In Ikebukuro, you can visit the Ikebukuro Halloween Cosplay Festival, attended by tens of thousands of people dressed in their favorite manga and anime-inspired outfits, and more. Sanrio Purolandis hosting "PUROHALLOWEEN," a special event with the theme "Kuromi / Black / Witch." There will be plenty to enjoy at Puroland, including limited edition food and merchandise that incorporates the color black.

    Tokyo Ramen Festa 2023

    Held at Komazawa Olympic Park from October 26 to November 5, the Tokyo Ramen Festa 2023is one of Japan's largest outdoor events dedicated to ramen. Visitors can try many unique styles of ramen from all over Japan. The show has been running annually since 2009 and promotes interest in Japan's regions.

    Meguro no Sanma Matsuri

    This event—which is part of the larger Meguro Citizens' Festival—is all about Pacific saury ("sanma" in Japanese), a seasonal fish that heralds the arrival of autumn. Around 5,000 of them are charcoal-grilled, garnished with grated daikon and kabosu (a type of citrus fruit), and given away for free! Meguro Citizens' Festival also features many food stalls selling local products from across the country. At the festival square you can enjoy taiko drumming and other performances. And the Kodomo...

  5. 4 天前 · Welcome Suica(訪日外國旅客專用交通IC卡). Welcome Suica是專為短期造訪日本的外國旅客所設計之IC卡,有效期限為28天,購票時不須支付押金。. 此卡與一般Suica相同,除了能搭乘日本全國通用地區的電車與巴士外,也可在加盟店、計程車、觀光設施等處使用 ...

  6. 4 天前 · 2024年東京及日本各地的主要祭典活動資訊. Updated: July 12, 2024. 祭典在日文當中叫做「Matsuri」,日本的祭典旨在讚頌季節更迭、歷史事件或傳統文化。. 大部分的城市、小鎮及地區都有各自的祭典,有些甚至已有數百年的歷史。. 先不論您造訪東京的理由為何,若 ...

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