雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 18 小時前 · On May 29th, the School of Mathematics and Physics successfully held the SMP Workshop on Excellent Research Publications. The event, chaired by Professor Conghua Wen, Deputy Dean of the School of Mathematics and Physics and Head of the Department of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, aimed to showcase and celebrate the outstanding papers published by the […]

  2. 4 天前 · June 03, 2024. A recent study titled "Uncertainty principles for the short-time Fourier transform on the lattice" has been published in the Journal Mathematische Nachrichten. The research was...

  3. 5 天前 · Located in Suzhou, China, the School of Languages at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is one of the largest language centres in the world, with over 250 academic staff in its English Language...

  4. 4 天前 · The Experimental and Innovative Art Practice (EIAP) research cluster at the School of Cultural Technology (SCT) at XJTLU goes to the heart of artistic innovation, not only through technological...

  5. 4 天前 · 2024年06月03日. 5月29日,西交利物浦大学与紫金矿业集团股份有限公司签署战略合作协议,共同探索国际化人才培养。 西浦副校长钞秋玲教授与紫金矿业集团法务总监魏铁军共同为“教学实践基地”揭牌。 钞校长向来宾们介绍了大学的发展历程、专业设置、师生规模等基本情况。 她谈道,西浦在十多年间发展迅猛,得到了社会各方面的高度评价。 近几年学校与多个头部企业签约,合作推进人才培养。...

  6. 4 天前 · June 03, 2024. The School of Cultural Technology (SCT) recently hosted "Experimenta 24," a showcase of innovative installations by sophomore students from the CAT105 module. Held in Building G from...

  7. 2 天前 · Sindre Gumø is a Year Four international management student from BI Norwegian Business School. Last year, when choosing a country for his exchange programme, he bypassed the destinations typically...