雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 2024年9月11日. 香港天文台與所羅門群島氣象局於2024年9月10日在天文台總部簽署擴展的合作諒解備忘錄,進一步加強航空氣象科技合作與交流。 諒解備忘錄由香港天文台台長陳栢緯博士和所羅門群島氣象局局長 David Hiba HIRIASIA 先生簽署,並由香港特別行政區環境及生態局局長謝展寰先生見證。 在簽署儀式上,陳博士表示:「我深信我們持續合作的協同效應將提升我們的航空氣象服務。 透過擴展的合作諒解備忘錄所促成的積極交流,我們將共同為亞太地區國際民航飛行的安全和效率做出貢獻。 HIRIASIA 先生說:「這份諒解備忘錄不僅僅是一份文件,它是一份對卓越氣象服務的共同願景和承諾的見證。 它象徵著我們共同努力為所有人建立一個更安全、更具韌性的世界。

  2. 5 天前 · The “MyObservatory” provides latest weather conditions, including the actual weather data reported by weather stations nearby, location-based lightning and rainfall forecast for the coming one or two hours, location based weather forecast for 9 days, weather warnings, and a suite of information service provided by the Observatory.

  3. 5 天前 · Highlights. Will we find gales under Strong Wind Signal, No. 3? This article illustrates that there could be regional difference in wind speeds under Strong Wind Signal, No.3. In particular, gale winds would be possible over offshore waters, on high ground or places that are relatively closer to the centre of a Tropical Cyclone.......

  4. 5 天前 · Typhoon classification is introduced to facilitate the public in recognizing more intense typhoons, prompting people to be extra vigilant with the approach of more intense tropical cyclones. How does the new classification affect the Tropical Cyclone Warning System in Hong Kong?

  5. 5 天前 · The Delegation of Hong Kong, China attending the 56th Session of the Typhoon Committee. 10 March 2024. Delegation from the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of the Republic of Indonesia visited the Observatory. 3 March 2024.

  6. 5 天前 · Highlights. Why is February shorter than other months? Do you know why February only has 28 or 29 days, less than other months?...... What is a Comet? A comet is a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of ice, dust, and gas. Comets are part of the Solar System. They move around the Sun in highly elliptical orbits.......

  7. 5 天前 · Current Weather and Forecast. Local Weather Forecast. 9-day Weather Forecast. UV Index Forecast. Automatic Regional Weather Forecast in Hong Kong & Pearl River Delta Region. Weather Website for GBA Guangdong Hong Kong Macao. *Remarks: Rainfall amounts displayed is provisional. Only limited data validation has been carried out.