雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 希臘女神婚紗攝影BeautyHera將會喺7月12-14日婚紗展 同大家見面 屆時 #StudioPreWedding 自家室內影樓 + 花園園林實景 有婚展優惠價$3980 多元化場景讓新人拍攝 蘆 咁抵嘅優惠唔好再猶疑 宜家登記 妳 Häagen-Dazs ...

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › AphroditeAphrodite - Wikipedia

    1 天前 · Aphrodite ( / ˌæfrəˈdaɪtiː / ⓘ, AF-rə-DY-tee) [3] is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation, and as her syncretized Roman goddess counterpart Venus, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. Aphrodite's major symbols include seashells, myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans.

  3. 2 天前 · 勝利女神像是1863年在薩莫色雷斯島發現,這座雕塑是少數幾尊保存完整的古希臘原始雕像之一,並非羅馬複製品,1884年以來一直展出在羅浮宮。 雖然當時發現女神像時,她的頭部和雙臂都已經遺失,但依然能感受到站在戰艦船頭上的女神,那昂首的自信,引領著戰士們取勝。

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › HeraHera - Wikipedia

    1 天前 · Hera bore several epithets in the mythological tradition and in literature. In the historical times the majority of the Greeks recognized Hera as the consort of Zeus. Hera is the protector of marriage and of the rights of the married women. In some cults she has

  5. 4 天前 · Hera is the Goddess of Women, she is also the Goddess of Childbirth, Marriage, and Familial Love. Though she is most commonly known for her marriage to Zeus, and being the Queen of Olympus. Personality of Hera in PJO. It might come as a surprise to many that within the series Hera isn't often described as jealous or vengeful.

  6. 5 天前 · 2024巴黎奧運倒數不到一個月就要盛大登場,不只是眾多選手進入最終備戰狀態,廣大運動粉們也摩拳擦掌準備展開熱力應援。FILA近期便以主辦城市巴黎為靈感,推出一系列擁有鮮明色彩的應援服飾,更邀來籃籃、一粒、小映與斐棋四位中職人氣啦啦隊女神,搶先穿上台灣獨家限定鞋款「Athena ...

  7. 16 小時前 · 2024 FIBA男子籃球奧運資格賽希臘賽區冠軍戰昨(8)日落幕,希臘在「字母哥」安戴托昆波(Giannis Antetokounmpo)的領軍下,以80:69戰勝克羅埃西亞 ...

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