雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2 天前 · 精神病患的污名與去污名. 通過她後來的回憶,如今我們可以認識到:Britney Spears的那些反常的、「瘋癲的」表現,其實是一場心理健康危機。 造成危機的原因,一方面是她遭遇的產後抑鬱症,另一方面是她摯愛的姨媽去世帶來的悲痛。 但產後抑鬱症在那個年代還沒有得到大眾的認知和討論;摰親離世帶來的心理創傷,也少有人正視。 對於精神健康出現問題的人,媒體給予的描述是奇觀式的(大家一起圍觀一場鬧劇),也是充滿污名化的(她成了一個「失控的、墮落的」女人)。 2007年,剃光了頭髮的Britney Spears用雨傘敲打一名狗仔隊記者的汽車。 《紐約雜誌》(New York Magazine)聲稱,「她的崩潰是她一生中最有趣的表演。

  2. 5 天前 · 【明報專訊】HE ZEHUA, a former deputy director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA), has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for corruption ten years after going into retirement. Even if He's sentence is commuted to life imprisonment after two years, his sentence cannot be further commuted, nor can he be released on parole.

  3. 3 天前 · Competition breeds progress. Hong Kong's point-to-point transportation services need an open market. If the industry insists on having a closed market and relying on policy incentives, it will be difficult to fundamentally change the industry's ecology.

  4. 4 天前 · 六合彩 - 明報新聞網 ... 六合彩