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  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. 嘗試錯誤法; 反覆試驗; 不斷摸索 learn by trial and error 通過反覆試驗學習

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    • 嘗試和錯誤

      • 「Trial and Error」簡單用中文解釋的話就是「嘗試和錯誤」、「反覆嘗試」或稱「試錯法」等。 在試圖解決問題時,嘗試使用各種方法,並在不斷失敗的過程中找到解決方案,人們就用「Trial and Error」來表示,特別常見於商務場合。
  2. 4 天前 · 这三个词之间最大的区别是:人们开展 “an experiment(一次试验或实验)” 的目的大多是认识、发现新的事物或者证明一个规律或假设;而人们进行 “a test(一次试验或测试)” 的目的是测试某人是否有特定的能力、事物是否有效或性能是否正常;“trial” 的目的和 “test” 相似,但 “trial” 需要持续一段时间才能得到结果。...

  3. www.meddra.orgMedDRA

    4 天前 · In the late 1990s, the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) developed MedDRA, a rich and highly specific standardised medical terminology to facilitate sharing of regulatory information internationally for medical products used by humans... ( more)

  4. 3 天前 · Hi AndresLjälin. My name is Kyle and I'm an independent advisor. Thank you for posting on the Xbox Communities Forum. I'm sorry you are experiencing issues redeeming your Game Pass code from NVIDIA. Let me see how I can assist you. Please make sure you ...

  5. I'm in week 3 problem set runoff, I'm halfway solving the problem according to cs50 check. Out of the correct test mostly were done by trial and… Computer Science Theory and Application. We share and discuss any content that computer scientists find interesting.

  6. 4 天前 · 名词 “typo” 是 “typographical error(排印错误)” 的简写,指 “打字或排印文稿时出现的小错误”,其中最常见的就是单词的拼写错误。 与名词 “typo” 搭配使用的动词是 “make”,组成 “make a typo” ,意思是 “打错一个字”。 例句. Could you check this email for typos before I send...

  7. 1 天前 · The accurate computation of properties of large molecular systems is classically infeasible and is one of the applications in which it is hoped that quantum computers will demonstrate an advantage over classical devices. However, due to the limitations of present-day quantum hardware, variational-hybrid algorithms introduced to tackle these problems struggle to meet the accuracy and precision ...

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