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  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. 注意, 當心 Watch out! There is danger ahead. 小心, 前面有危險。

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  2. a watch out. idiom. Add to word list. the activity of watching carefully and looking for someone or something. 留意,尋找. Keep a watch out for Nicki and Steve - they should be here somewhere. 留意一下尼基和史提夫——他們應該在這一帶。.

  3. 2019年10月17日 · 「小心」的英文,常見的說法之一就是watch outwatch out 的中文意思就是指「小心、當心、留神」。 例:Watch out for bears! 小心熊!

  4. a watch out. idiom. Add to word list. the activity of watching carefully and looking for someone or something. 留意,寻找. Keep a watch out for Nicki and Steve - they should be here somewhere. 留意一下尼基和史蒂夫——他们应该在这一带。.

  5. A WATCH OUT definition: 1. the activity of watching carefully and looking for someone or something: 2. used to warn…. Learn more.

  6. 英 [wɒtʃ aʊt] 美 [wɑːtʃ aʊt] 小心;提防. 英語釋義. be vigilant, be on the lookout, be on one's guard, be careful; " Watch out for pickpockets!" 片語. You wanna watch out 張大本事. Watch Out for Pedestrians 注意行人. Watch out two enemies 注意兩個競爭者. take care 注意;小心. Watch MovieSending out a newsletter 發出新聞信件. watch h out 注意. Watch MovieSending out email 發出郵件.

  7. 英 [wɒtʃ aʊt] 美 [wɑːtʃ aʊt] 释义. 当心; 保持警觉. 实用场景例句. 全部. 当心. You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place... 你必须小心,这里到处是地雷。 柯林斯高阶英语词典. The casinos in Las Vegas had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak! 拉斯韦加斯的赌场要小心了,因为我显然正红运当头! 柯林斯高阶英语词典. Watch out when your competition fires at you. 同时,要注意你的竞争对手朝你开火. 期刊摘选.

  8. 小心 watch out! you nearly hit me 小心點!你差點打到我 to watch out for sb./sth. 當心某人/某事物

  9. 2017年3月7日 · 「Watch out」中文意思是? 用英文警戒及提醒他人的6種說法! 編輯/霍楚昀. 當你要善意提醒別人注意安全、或是叮嚀別人的時候,該怎麼表達呢? 除了”Watch out!”之外,其實還有很多片語和句子可以表達。 Let’s talk的Niharika老師整理出了警戒、叮嚀他人的6種說法,一起來看看有那些吧! 文章目錄. 1. Take care – 保重. 2. Look out / Watch out – 小心! / 注意! 3. Easy does it – 慢慢來,別急. 4. Steady! – 保持冷靜. 5. Better safe than sorry – 安全為上,不要冒險. 6. You can’t be too careful – 再小心也不為過. 1.

  10. 有什麼是我們需要注意的嗎?. 瀏覽教材. Watch out for the enemy's AoE — short for "area of effect." 也要注意敵人的 "AoE" —— 也就是 "area of effect(範圍型攻擊)" 的簡稱。. 瀏覽教材. Watch out for fruits and vegetables that may have been washed in local water if it's not safe to drink. 如果水源 ...

  11. If you tell someone to watch out, you are warning them to be careful, because something unpleasant might happen to them or they might get into difficulties. You have to watch out – there are dangers everywhere.

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