雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi, whose electoral district is traditionally known for whaling, said Thursday the government supports sustainable use of whales as part of Japan’s traditional food culture and plans to promote the industry. 內閣官房長官林芳正週四表示,日本政府支持將鯨魚做為傳統飲食文化的一部分,以可持續方式加以利用,並計畫推動相關產業發展。 林芳正所在的選區傳統上以捕鯨聞名。 新聞辭典.

  2. 5 天前 · 在日本東北海岸外的一座小島上,遊客們在一座神社供奉難以想像的當地守護神:貓。. The “Neko Jinja,” or Cat Shrine, mythologizes cats as guardian angels of Tashirojima, where cats outnumber humans. 「貓神社」將貓神話為田代島的守護天使,當地貓隻數量超過人類。.

  3. 4 天前 · 這是一部取材自古羅馬歷史的138分鐘科幻史詩。 With "Megalopolis," the Oscar-winning director of "The Godfather" is in the running for the Palme d’Or for the first time since "Apocalypse Now" netted him the top prize in 1979. 這位以「教父」奪下奧斯卡獎的導演,是繼1979年以「現代啟示錄」獲得金棕櫚獎後,首度以「大都會」角逐金棕梠獎。

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