雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · The Government today (June 4) announced that, as set out in the 2024-25 Budget, a one-off extra allowance equal to one half of the monthly payment or allowance will be provided to eligible recipients of social security payments, including the recipients of the standard rate of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, Old Age Allowance, Old Age ...

  2. 4 天前 · Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning June 10, 2024: Ends/Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Issued at HKT 14:50. NNNN.

  3. 4 天前 · 政府發言人表示,在二 二四年五月八日(即立法會通過《2024年撥款條例草案》當日)合資格領取社會保障援助的人士,以及在二 二三年十一月一日至二 二四年五月八日期間提交職津申請而獲批的住戶,均符合資格領取一次過額外款項,預計約166萬名

  4. 4 天前 · 2024年6月4日(星期二) 香港時間16時03分. 公務員事務局今日(六月四日)向四個公務員中央評議會的職方提出在二 二四至二五年度為高層、中層及低層薪金級別和首長級公務員的薪酬劃一上調3%的方案,生效日期追溯至二 二四年四月一日。 ...

  5. 4 天前 · The Civil Service Bureau (CSB) made pay offers to the staff side of the four civil service central consultative councils today (June 4), under which the pay for civil servants in the upper, middle and lower salary bands and the directorate will be increased at the same

  6. 4 天前 · 中國國家鐵路集團有限公司(國鐵集團)今日早上宣布,來往香港紅磡站與北京和上海的普速直通車,將提質升級至高鐵動臥列車。 新引進高鐵香港段的高鐵動臥列車,不單將來往香港與北京和上海的鐵路車程,分別由超過24小時和約19.5小時,壓縮至約12.5小時和約11小時,兩者都縮短約一半時間;舒適的高鐵臥鋪列車,更將跨境鐵路旅程帶上新台階,列車的座位數目亦大幅增加至600個。 「夕發朝至」的臥鋪列車營運模式,讓旅客經過一夜舒適的臥鋪列車旅程,便到達目的地,豐富了休閒旅遊以至商務旅客的出行選擇,更可省免一晚酒店費用。 行政長官李家超說:「我感謝中央對香港的關愛,感謝國鐵集團和內地各單位的大力支持。

  7. 4 天前 · The Land Registry today (June 4) released its statistics for May 2024. Land registration-----* The number of sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in May was 7 361 (-25.5 per cent compared with April 2024 but +39.3