雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · In April 2024, the value of total exports of goods increased by 11.9% over a year earlier to $378.7 billion, after a year-on-year increase by 4.7% in March 2024. Concurrently, the value of imports of goods increased by 3.7% over a year earlier to $388.9 billion in April 2024, after a year-on-year increase by 5.3% in March 2024.

  2. 6 天前 · NNNN. The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, today (May 25) extended his congratulations to Hong Kong rowing athlete Chiu Hin-chun on winning a gold medal at Lightweight...

  3. 4 天前 · 特區政府於去年底公布《海運及港口發展策略行動綱領》,提出了多項策略和具體行動措施,以提升香港港口的競爭力和加快香港高增值航運服務業群的發展。 他指出,特區政府會努力推進相關工作,並繼續加強與其他粵港澳大灣區城市和國際海運組織的合作交流,為香港的海運港口發展注入新動力。 完. 2024年5月27日(星期一) 香港時間19時25分. 即日新聞. 行政長官李家超今日(五月二十七日)與國際海事組織秘書長Arsenio Antonio Domínguez Velasco和國際航運公會秘書長Guy Platten會...

  4. 6 天前 · A spokesman for the Home Affairs Department (HAD) today (May 25) said that the Department had noticed someone from an online platform claimed data of the members of the public obtained from the HAD's system were put on sale. The HAD clarified that there was no data leakage.

  5. 4 天前 · Following is the transcript of remarks by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing, and the Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, at a media session after attending a joint meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs and Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene today (May 27):

  6. 4 天前 · 招聘講座介紹行政主任、文書及秘書職系、見習航空交通管制主任、見習土木工程師、見習土力工程師、見習工程地質師、技術主任、監工、康樂事務經理、康樂助理員和公務員/合約救生員的工作、入職條件和招聘程序等資訊外,更首次設有模擬面試環節,讓學生親身體驗面試過程,接受即場評估及指導,豐富他們的面試經驗和技巧。 該團將於明日(五月二十八日)及後日(五月二十九日)分別到訪暨南大學及華僑大學進行招聘講座。 有關公務員招聘事宜和職位空缺,以及最新的考試安排,請瀏覽公務員事務局網站: www.csb.gov.hk/tc_chi/recruit/7.html. 完. 2024年5月27日(星期一) 香港時間17時26分. 即日新聞.

  7. 4 天前 · Led by the Chief Executive of the HKMA, Mr Eddie Yue, the delegation held bilateral meeting with the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), focusing on strategic areas including digital finance and fintech, green and sustainable finance, payment systems, use of local currencies for cross-border trade and Islamic finance.