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    • 1. [Medicine] gastroscopy

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  2. 胃鏡檢查. A gastroscopy showed duodenal ulcers. 通過胃鏡檢查發現有十二指腸潰瘍。 The patients all underwent routine diagnostic gastroscopy. 所有患者都做了常規診斷性胃鏡檢查。 减少例句. 70 pernicious anaemia patients below the age of 76 years were screened by gastroscopy. The patient was diagnosed with acid reflux by a gastroscopy.

  3. a long, thin medical device that is used to examine the inside of the stomach. 胃鏡. A special instrument called a gastroscope is put in the mouth and passed down into the stomach. 一個叫做胃鏡的特殊工具從口腔置入,下行到胃部。.

  4. EGD (also known as upper endoscopy, upper GI endoscopy gastroscopy, or panendoscopy) is a procedure that enables your physician to inspect the lining of the upper part of your gastrointestinal tract, i.e., the esophagus, stomach, and the duodenum (first and second portion of the duodenum) by using a thin flexible tube approximately 130cm in le...

  5. a medical examination of the inside of the stomach and part of the small intestine (= the upper part of the bowels between the stomach and the large intestine) using a gastroscope (= a long, thin medical device with a light and camera) 胃镜检查. A gastroscopy showed duodenal ulcers. 通过胃镜检查发现有十二指肠溃疡。.

  6. 上消化道内视镜 ( (o)esophagogastroduodenoscopy、panendoscopy、Stomach/upper (GI) endoscopy、gastroscopy、),也稱為 胃鏡 、 食道鏡 、 十二指腸鏡 ,是医用 內視鏡 ,用于观察至 十二指肠 的上 消化道 部分。 上消化道内视镜属于 微创 观察,因为其无需在 人体 上做 切口 ,并且无需恢复阶段 [1] 。 参考文献. ^ Gastroscopy - examination of oesophagus and stomach by endoscope. Bupa. December 2006 [2007-10-07]. ( 原始内容 存档于2007-10-06). 分类 : . 消化系統程序. 內視鏡.

  7. 上消化內視鏡(又稱為胃鏡)檢查,現代腸胃內視鏡大概一厘米粗,並採用高清鏡頭以檢查腸胃內部情況。 胃鏡可以發現食道,胃和十二指腸的病變,包括發炎、潰瘍和腫瘤等。

  8. 2024年1月30日 · EGD (also known as upper endoscopy, upper GI endoscopy gastroscopy, or panendoscopy) is a procedure that enables your physician to inspect the lining of the upper part of your gastrointestinal tract, i.e., the esophagus, stomach, and the duodenum (first and second portion of the duodenum) by using a thin flexible tube approximately 100cm in length.

  9. 英漢例句. 方法:回顧分析37例腹型過敏性紫癜患兒的臨床資料和 胃鏡檢查 結果。 methods:the clinical characteristics and endoscopy results of 37 cases were analyzed retrospectively. 結論:小兒消化性潰瘍臨床癥狀不典型, 胃鏡檢查 能提高小兒消化性潰瘍的診治率,有效指導臨床治療。

  10. 進行拉額及拉面手術,可透過以錄像輔助的內 腔鏡手 術 ,切口細微。. Video-assisted endoscopic surgery enables brow-lift and face-lift to be done with keyhole incisions. 腸 胃肝臟 科中心與 內鏡中心 合作,為病人提供全面的內鏡服務,包括用作診症和治療 的 胃 腸 內 視 鏡 檢 查 ...

  11. 上消化道內視鏡((o)esophagogastroduodenoscopy、panendoscopy、Stomach/upper (GI) endoscopy、gastroscopy、),也稱為胃鏡、食道鏡、十二指腸鏡,是醫用內視鏡,用於觀察至十二指腸的上消化道部分。