雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月7日 · Tsukiji Shishi Matsuri (Lion Dance Festival) 6-20-37 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo. 2024-6-7 - 2024-6-10. Updated: May 1, 2024. Located in Tsukiji, the Namiyoke Inari-jinja Shrine has long been known as a place to pray for protection from disaster, safety out at sea, economic prosperity, and safety in construction work.

  2. 2024年6月3日 · "Tachikawa Showa Kinen Park Fireworks " was first held in 1954, and has been a popular local event ever since. A variety of fireworks are launched, including plenty of high-impact variants. These include 1.5-shakudama (45 cm) fireworks that explode into flowers of fire about 400 meters in diameter, and gorgeous star mines that cover the entire sky.

  3. 2024年6月3日 · 第53屆 江戶川區特產金魚祭 第53回江戸川区特産金魚まつり. 第53屆 江戶川區特產金魚祭. 東京都 江戶川區 北葛西3-2-1 行船公園. 2024-7-20 - 2024-7-21. Updated: June 3, 2024. 東京都江戶川區自19世紀後期傳承了養殖金魚的傳統,每年夏天都會舉辦展售多達約2萬條金魚的 ...

  4. 2024年6月3日 · 第58屆 葛飾納涼煙火大會. 東京都 葛飾區 柴又7丁目17番13號先. 2024-7-23. Updated: June 3, 2024. 此煙火大會有著半世紀以上的歷史,充滿下町人情味。. 因施放地點鄰近觀眾席,其煙火表演具有東京數一數二的臨場感。. 會場另備有收費指定席,如折疊椅子席、2人枡及4 ...

  5. 2024年6月3日 · Countless visitors come to see this first fireworks festival of the summer in Tokyo. Against the backdrop of the Arakawa River, more than 13,000 fireworks are launched within an hour. Because the event is held close to the riverbanks, you can enjoy the fireworks while relaxing on the slopes down to the river.

  6. 2024年6月9日 · Luciola fireflies raised with care by locals elegantly dance through the sky as they glow, creating a fantasy-like spectacle. There will also be food trucks and various events. June. Summer. Opening Hours. 15:00–21:00. Note: - The event will take place in the event of light rain. - The event will be canceled in case of severe weather.

  7. 2024年6月9日 · 福生螢火蟲祭. 東京都福生市 從螢火蟲公園前至福祉中心前的細流通及福生市第三中學. 2024-6-9. Updated: May 1, 2024. 「福生螢火蟲祭」時隔5年再次開幕。. 當地居民用心飼養的「源氏螢」閃爍光芒、輕舞飛揚,遊客會看到如幻境般的景象。. 此外,還預計會有快餐車 ...