雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 6 天前 · On-chip structured light, with potentially infinite complexity, has emerged as a linchpin in the realm of integrated photonics. However, the realization of arbitrarily tailoring a multitude of light field dimensions in complex media remains a challenge1, Through associating physical light fields and mathematical function spaces by introducing a mapping operator, we proposed a data-driven ...

  2. 3 天前 · Professor Baolian Wang is currently the Bank of America Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Florida. His research areas are empirical asset pricing, behavioral finance, investor behavior, FinTech, and the Chinese economy.

  3. 1 天前 · Fig. 1: Identification and quantitatively analysis of CPIII and Fe-CPIII in different R. sphaeroides strains with fnrL gene deletion. Fig. 2: Engineering of R. sphaeroides HY01 for enhanced CPIII ...

  4. einstein.nju.edu.cn › upload › uploadifyeinstein.nju.edu.cn

    3 天前 · arXiv:2405.18666 [pdf, ps, other] On-Chip Vectorial Structured Light Manipulation via Inverse Design Xiaobin Lin, Maoliang Wei, Kunhao Lei, Zijia Wang, Chi Wang, Hui Ma, Yuting Ye, Qiwei Zhan, Da Li, Shixun Dai, Baile Zhang, Xiaoyong Hu, Lan Li 18 ...

  5. 3 天前 · 家衛,BBS,JP (英語: Wong Kar Wai,1958年7月17日 — ),香港當代電影製作人,其作品擅長獨特的光影美學,多次奪得香港電影金像獎與歐洲電影獎,並獲得多個國際電影主要獎項,包括凱撒電影獎、紐約影評人協會獎、美國國家影評人協會獎等。

  6. 5 天前 · After more than a decade building a fan base and making his name into a brand in both music and fashion across China, South Korea and the US, Hong Kong-born pop star Jackson Wang believes the key...

  7. 6 天前 · 全球最大的國防軍武生產商「洛克希德·馬丁」 (Lockheed Martin, 洛馬 )是旅美航太工程師王立楨的老東家,號稱史上最貴戰機「F-35」正是出廠自洛馬。 走過近70載的人生,王立楨見證的是人類翱翔無垠天際的喜怒哀樂,特別是他將半百歲月都奉獻給中華民國空軍,4本飛行員的系列著作便是他的研究心血,其中包括前國防部長唐飛與陳燊齡將軍,兩人在王立楨的筆下成為不朽傳奇。 王立楨告訴《上報》老東家設計的F-104,是他最愛的戰機。 (攝影:張文玠) 「萬千國人都已忘記,你死是為了誰」 他沒忘. 「空軍御史」王立楨,每年回台必走的行程之一,是前往碧潭的空軍公墓祭拜先烈。 有一回,他赫見空軍烈士顧正華墓上的殉職日期有誤,他趕緊通知空軍相關部門改正。 但事情並未就此落幕。