雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CFA Program includes a series of three exams: Levels I, II, and III. Each level of the curriculum builds on the prior level and becomes increasingly complex. The chart below explains the differences between each exam so you can prepare accordingly. Learn more about the study tools and resources you will have access to as part of CFA Program.

  2. The CFA® Program curriculum for the Level I exam is focused on the knowledge and comprehension of investment tools and asset classes, as well as portfolio management and ethical and professional standards. The exam covers the 10 topic areas noted in the chart below. Ethics questions will appear as a group in the first session.

  3. 2024年4月15日 · 特許金融分析師(CFA)是一種專業資格,由CFA學會(CFA Institute)所頒發。. 此證書被全球金融業界廣泛認可,並被視為衡量投資專業能力和誠信的標準。. CFA課程內容深度廣泛,涵蓋了投資管理、股票分析、金融報表分析、固定收益、衍生品、經濟學、企業財務 ...

  4. CFA是金融領域中最有價值的認證之一,分為三級證書,內容廣泛艱深,合格率通常只有約40%,全球考生平均每級考試的學習時間超過300小時,極具挑戰性,要成功絕對不會輕鬆簡單! 但是,只要手握CFA,便能敲響金融行業的大門,無論是新手想轉行,進入香港的命脈行業;或是行內人想提高自己的競爭力,為事業更上一層樓,這張cert都是必備之選。 一文看清CFA考試的所有資訊:資格要求、費用、考核內容⋯⋯小編更請來成功考取CFA的Mike教路,分享應試秘訣,助你突圍而出。 1. 什麼是CFA? CFA是全球公認的金融領域專業認證,由美國CFA協會(CFA Institute)主辦。 記住,考到CFA只是一個認證(Charter:professional designation),並不是文憑或學位。

  5. The CFA Program is a three-part exam that tests the fundamentals of investment tools, valuing assets, portfolio management, and wealth planning. The CFA Program is typically completed by those with backgrounds in finance, accounting, economics, or business.

  6. 2023年3月20日 · CFA課程CFA Program)用以教授投資分析中的專業知識以及實用技巧,並共有3大考試試卷以測試考生的投資工具、資產估值、投資組合管理及財富規劃等知識。

  7. CFA全名為:Chartered Financial Analyst(特許金融分析師),是金融投資行業高等級的證書也是財務金融機構金融分析從業人員業界所稱的「黃金標準」,是國際通行的金融投資從業者專業資格認證,是美國以及全世界公認金融證券業中最高認證的資格,共分成三個 ...

  8. 2024年5月8日 · The chartered financial analyst (CFA) charter is a globally-recognized professional designation offered by the CFA Institute, an organization that measures and...

  9. Information about CFA eligibility requirements, examination application, membership and the CFA charter is available from: CFA Institute(US) website, http://www.cfainstitute.org/ CFA Institute (Asia Pacific) telephone: 2868 2700

  10. Prepares you for the CFA® Examinations Aiming to provide the academic knowledge and practical skill to candidates to sit for three levels of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) examinations. HKU SPACE is glad to offer the CFA® Level I, II and III

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