雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 202330
    Euro 2016 Qualifiers終場
    11月 19日vs挪威
    3 - 3
    European Championship Finals3:00 下午 EDT
    6月 14日@德國
    European Championship Finals3:00 下午 EDT
    6月 19日vs瑞士
  2. 「逆市大贏家」優勢一覽. 2%或以上. 去年流動資產的回報率達. 86% 大贏家屬財政非常健康或中等健康 3. 時刻兩手準備 雙倍保障. 一般大贏家並不同意「以不變應萬變」的財富管理概念,務求以第二收入輔助主要收入來源,通常會透過多元投資,尋求更大增長動力。 藉此雙重收入策略,不但享有額外財政保障,更為可能出現的經濟下行作好準備。 「財政非常健康」人士. 平均持有. 4.7. 種投資及保險產品. 將儲蓄與投資平均分配,撥出. 50% 於投資. vs. 「財政不健康」人士. 平均只持有. 1.6. 種投資及保險產品. 將大部分資產(79%)放於儲蓄,僅撥出. 21% 用於投資. 尋找更多生財途徑. 「逆市大贏家」不斷探索其他增加收入的方法. 48% 人士有另類投資. 65%

  3. 本港樓按計劃主要分為浮息和定息,而浮息按揭又分為「H按」與「P按」,本文教您分清當中的分別,掌握利率走勢對供樓開支的影響。 參考: 滙豐港元香港銀行同業拆息 (HIBOR) 滙豐港元最優惠利率 (BLR) 提提您: 無論是「H按」或「P按」,固定點子在借貸雙方簽訂按揭合約後都固定不變,但P及H本身會浮動,銀行有機會調高最優惠利率(P),而銀行同業拆息(H)亦可能出現變化,業主應多加留意利率走勢。 註:按揭貸款批核視乎申請人之個別情況及當時適用之條款及政策措施而定,一切以批核結果為準,銀行保留最終决定權。 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 本文內容僅供參考用途。 所有由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(「滙豐」)提供的服務受當時適用的條款及細則約束。

  4. 全天候存入滙豐及恒生銀行的港幣支票、本票、專用支票及股息支票 入票截數時間延長至營業日下午5時30分,並會於2個營業日內結算 於營業日下午5時30分之前存入支票,可即時於HSBC HK App的「交易紀錄」下看到存入紀錄

  5. In Hong Kong, the two major types of mortgage plans are floating rate and fixed rate, with two different floating-rate mortgage plans, namely HIBOR-based and prime-based mortgages.

    • Edward Moncreife
    • Professor Vivian Lou
    • Fiona Nott
    • Main report
    • Recommendations
    • Executive summary
    • Enabling independent living
    • Taking a holistic approach to overcoming barriers
    • To what extent do you find the following technologies to be helpful in assisting with care for the elderly?
    • Pamela Tin, head of healthcare and social development, Our Hong Kong Foundation
    • The elderly of the future
    • Pamela Tin, Our Hong Kong Foundation
    • Conclusion
    • Recommendations

    Hong Kong Chief Executive Oficer, HSBC Life (International) Limited “We believe that productive ageing is critical to the social and economic future of an ageing demographic metropolis such as Hong Kong. Public-private partnerships, which share this same vision, are critical to making this aspiration a reality. This is the fourth year of HSBC Life’...

    Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong “Healthy ageing shall be understood from a life-course perspective, upon which advocating and empowering the optimised trajectory of healthy and productive ageing processes becomes one of the key focuses that deserve collective eforts by the government, non-government organisations and ...

    Chief Executive Oficer, The Women’s Foundation “With an ageing population, longer lifespans and better health, ensuring the financial security and mental wellbeing of populations aged over 50 is key in Hong Kong. This is particularly true for women, who tend to live longer than men and are more vulnerable to financial instability due to gender gaps...

    Pamela Tin, head of healthcare & social development, Our Hong Kong Foundation Vivian Lou, professor at the Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong; director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing Carl Johan Krokstäde, managing director, Doro Hong Kong

    Vivian Lou, professor at the Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong; director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing Fiona Nott, chief executive oficer, The Women’s Foundation

    With some of the longest life expectancies in the world, Hong Kong faces important questions around how older adults can be supported to continue to live productively and with dignity.1 Digital technologies have already enabled many seniors to live independently in the past, but their true worth became even more apparent during the covid-19 pandemi...

    Individuals transitioning from being entirely independent to being dependent on caregivers often report worsening mental and physical health due to the loss of agency or control.6 Digital tools ofer a way to overcome some of those drastic changes by empowering seniors to continue managing key aspects of their lives. For example, apps and platforms ...

    As the world continues to age rapidly, it’s never been more important to enable the adoption of digital services for older adults. The survey results have shown that at an individual level, older adults are more than willing to embrace digital services. However, more needs to be done to help them overcome the barriers they face.

    No extent Neutral Great extent Not applicable Remote monitoring (location tracking, smart home technologies) Apps that provide reminders for medication, health checks Digital wearables to keep track of health vitals Apps / online platforms to help manage the financial planning of elderly Apps that help keep in touch with family and/or friends Note:...

    or caring for an older person say that communica-tion apps are key to their work, while 63.9% find remote-monitoring technologies to be very useful. “It’s important to empower carers to not only teach seniors about technology, but also to understand how these tools can support their work,” says Dr Tin. She also emphasises that simply having a devic...

    It is also important to understand the role of technology in shaping the future cohort of older populations. With technological and scientific advances in society, younger generations, in general, will be better positioned to age in a way that makes them more productive. However, Dr Tin says “the multifaceted nature of active ageing at macro-, meso...

    generations are well equipped with knowledge, more needs to be done to facilitate the translation of knowledge to action to truly achieve productive ageing.”

    Ageing is a fact of life, and it’s becoming inevitable that society at large will soon have to grapple with the challenges posed by increasingly grey populations. Digital technologies have already undone many of the norms around ageing by significantly improving quality of life and health outcomes. Older people are more connected than ever but, as ...

    Improve cybersecurity: Fear of privacy breaches, fraud and other cybersecurity threats is high among all age groups in Hong Kong. Better app designs, ICT infrastructure, digital literacy and laws to tackle disinformation are key in driving a greater sense of security when engaging with the online world. Literacy eforts should be more targeted at wo...

  6. 滙豐銀行慈善基金的SOULFULL行動,聯同惜食堂於不同地方收集超過1000段的暖心話語,並製作成一個愛心飯盒,讓長者的身、心、靈同時得到溫飽,計劃共向一千名獨居長者送上愛心飯盒。與此同時,部份長者更透過SOULFULL與大眾分享他們的心意與祝福,讓溫暖流動全城。

  7. © 版權所有。The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 2002-2024。 不得轉載。 本網站為於香港使用 ...