雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [grɑːnt]

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 准予; 准許 to grant sb. sth. 將某物准予某人
    • 2. 授予; 發放 to grant sb. asylum 為某人提供政治避難

    n 名詞

    • 1. 撥款 a grant to do sth. 做某事的補助金
    • 2. 讓渡 a grant of a patent 專利權的轉讓


  2. Community Shield11:00 上午 EDT
    8月 10日vs曼聯
  3. an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose. (尤指政府為特殊目的給予個人或組織的)撥款,補助金. a student / research grant 助學金/研究撥款. a local authority / government grant 當地行政機構/政府撥款. [ + to infinitive ] They gave/ awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year. 他們給/授予她一筆獎學金供她出國留學一年。 减少例句.

  4. an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose. (尤指政府为特殊目的给予个人或组织的)拨款,补助金. a student / research grant 助学金/研究拨款. a local authority / government grant 当地行政机构/政府拨款. [ + to infinitive ] They gave/ awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year. 他们给/授予她一笔奖学金供她出国留学1年。 减少例句.

  5. verb. uk / ɡrɑːnt / us / ɡrænt / grant verb (GIVE) B2 [ T ] to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way: [ + two objects ] They granted her an entry visa. He was granted asylum. formal She granted their request / wish. 同義詞詞典:同義詞、反義詞、例句. 更多範例. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. grant verb (ACCEPT) [ T + (that) ]

  6. an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose. (尤指政府為特殊目的給予個人或組織的)撥款,補助金. a student / research grant 助學金/研究撥款. a local authority / government grant 當地行政機構/政府撥款. [ + to infinitive ] They gave/ awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year. 他們給/授予她一筆獎學金供她出國留學一年。 减少例句.

  7. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 同意,准予 [O1] He granted me my request. 他答應了我的要求。 The firm granted him a pension. 公司同意給他一筆養老金。 2. 給予,授予 [O1] 3. 承認 [O5] [+(that)] Are you ready to grant that I was right?...

  8. grant 的简体中文 翻译. [ɡrɑːnt ] 及物动词. (request, visa, permission) 授予 [shòuyǔ] 名词 [count] (award) 拨款 [bōkuǎn] to take sb for granted 认为某人做的事情是理所当然 [rènwéi mǒurén zuò de shìqing shì lǐ suǒ dāng rán] to take sth for granted 想当然地认为某事 [xiǎngdāngrán de rènwéi mǒushì] to take it for granted that… 认为⋯是理所当然 [rènwéi…shì lǐ suǒ dāng rán] to grant that…

  9. grant [ grɑːnt ] I vt [+ request, visa, permission] 授予 shòuyǔ. II n [c] (= award) 拨 (撥)款 bōkuǎn. to take sb for granted. 认 (認)为 (為)某人做的事情是理所当 (當)然 rènwéi mǒurén zuò de shìqing shì lǐ suǒ dāng rán. to take sth for granted. 想当 (當)然地认 (認)为 (為)某事 xiǎngdāngrán de ...

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