雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. After completing 6 modules totaling 120 credits, students will be conferred the Bachelor of Arts in International Festival & Event Management. In year 3, students will study two 20-credit modules in each block with three blocks in a year, a total of 6 modules will be studied.

  2. 學院的教學中心遍佈港九,選址交通便利,以配合不同人士的需要。. 除現有位於港島及九龍東10所教學中心外,學院第11所教學中心 — 九龍西分校現已隆重開幕。. 分校位於荔枝角道888號,毗鄰荔枝角港鐵站,交通配套完善,為學生帶來最大的便利,貫徹學院 ...

  3. Our Campuses. Academic environment plays a critical role in the success of your studies. As a student, you will enjoy…. Fully-equipped laboratories and study centres for language, multi-media, computer, science, performing arts, visual arts and nursing programmes, plus.

  4. The College has established articulation arrangements with various overseas universities. Our Higher Diploma and Associate Degree graduates may be granted credits exemption or credit transfer if admitted to degree programmes offered by those universities.

  5. Grow and Prosper with HKU SPACE. Unlock your potential and achieve prosperity through a wide range of diverse learning opportunities. Provides Full-time and Part-time courses ranging from short courses, professional courses, certificate, bachelor, master to doctoral programmes.

  6. 西英格蘭大學 (University of the West of England, Bristol) 就業前景 本課程畢業生因具備良好的中英語文訓練,就業方面可謂無往而不利。香港的公營機構和私人企業都需要大量的語文人才,學生尤其可以在翻譯界、傳媒界、教育界、公關界、廣告界大展所長。

  7. 學院與香港大學圖書館緊密合作,不斷擴展及更新電子資源庫,以滿足不同學科的持續進修者需要。. 香港大學圖書證及閱讀證按課程需要而發出,詳情請向有關課程負責人查詢。. 如欲查詢詳情,請瀏覽香港大學圖書館網頁:. http://lib.hku.hk/userinfo/student.html#3.