雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 其他比賽

    Euro 2016 Qualifiers終場
    3月 21日@Bosnia & Herzegovina
    2 - 1
    Euro 2016 Qualifiers終場
    3月 26日vs冰島
    2 - 1
    European Championship Finals9:00 上午 EDT
    6月 21日@斯諾伐克
    A 組GPWDLPts
  2. 2022年3月22日 · SHIBUYA 109澀谷店共有10層樓,約120間店鋪進駐。奇特的圓柱型建築是其特徵,提供時尚、美妝、美食,以及各式各樣娛樂。看各個少女一頭金髮、皮膚曬成古銅色、穿著迷你裙又畫著大濃妝,伴隨「辣妹」文化的潮流,SHIBUYA 109澀谷店也成為了澀谷時尚尖端的象徵,即使到了現在也是日本國內外名流 ...

  3. 2016年6月1日 · 2021年10月,榮獲米其林指南必比登推介的京都名店「Vegan Ramen UZU」進軍東京,在teamLab Planets內開設了分店,讓顧客可在藝術作品的環繞下,享用完全不使用動物性食材的純素拉麵。. 此外,這裡也提供專屬於東京店的限定餐點。. teamLab Planets位於臨海地區的豐洲 ...

  4. 2024年1月9日 · 森大廈數字藝術美術館:EPSON teamLab無界在短短一年內,就吸引了來自全球160多個國家及地區約230萬人的來訪,是近年東京最受歡迎的娛樂設施。這座打破紀錄的數位藝術美術館,將從台場遷移至麻布台Hills,位置在六本木與虎之門Hills之間,相當靠近象徵東京的東京鐵塔,預計於2024年2月9日開幕。

  5. Get yourself worked up and feel the adrenaline rush! Tokyo offers plenty of options for sporting enthusiasts—from baseball, Japan's beloved and most popular sport, to traditional sports such as sumo wrestling and karate. Watch an event and cheer for your favorite athlete or team, or try your hand at a sport.

    • Family Fun in The Sun
    • Visit Jindaiji Temple, Known For Its Pop-Cultural Connections
    • Other Things to Do

    Enjoy a day at Yomiuriland, a laid-back amusement park with a classic atmosphere. Established in 1964, the park offers over 40 attractions, including a massive roller coaster and a seven-story bungee jump. The summer-only pool and illuminations from autumn to spring are also popular. Visitors can also enjoy uniquely Japanese experiences and worksho...

    Known as the second temple built in Tokyo, 1,300-year-old Jindaiji Temple is a top destination. The sprawling grounds feature numerous sub-temples and monuments, and you can easily spend several hours strolling through the area. Along the way you'll encounter shops selling souvenirs and food, each with an authentic Edo-period charm. In recent years...

    If you plan on spending more time in the Chofu area, there are numerous other attractions to check out. Consider a trip to the Tokyo Racecourse, where you can bet on horses or simply enjoy the thrill of a race. The racetrack has a large slide and a miniature bullet train, and places for parents and children to have fun together. Or check the calend...

  6. 2023年12月7日 · 凝望東京60年至今的東京鐵塔,充滿著許多人的回憶。從各種角度眺望這座東京的象徵也是一大樂趣。位於東京鐵塔正下方的餐廳「Terrace Dining TANGO」,是能由下往上仰望鐵塔的稀有場所。義大利餐廳「WAKANUI」位於大樓10樓,其高度正好能讓人看見鐵塔支撐基底的美麗曲線,若是坐在露台座位,晚上 ...

  7. 2023年2月27日 · 位在銀座五丁目的「EXITMELSA」,1977年開業後,2015年曾一度更名翻新,2022年春季再度搖身一變更換進駐品牌,並將一樓改造為甜點大街「GINZA SWEETS MARCH」,邀請12家備受注目的甜點店登上銀座舞台。. 從「GINZA SWEETS MARCH」的品牌標誌即可感受到雀躍氣息,彷彿能 ...