雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The next intake after April 2024: October 2024 (To be confirmed) 除四月份,下期課程:預計2024年10月開課. 請注意:四月份開課之課程,將採用網上教學,敬請知悉。. Please note: April 2024 Intake of this course is conducted in online teaching mode. 請注意:課程學額有限,額滿即止,請盡早 ...

  2. 主頁. 認識學院. 關於學院. 教職員團隊. 院長. Professor LEE, William K.M. 李經文教授. BA Toronto; MA Windsor; PhD Toronto. Biography. Professor Lee graduated from the University of Toronto in 1984 with a BA (Hons). He pursued further studies in Sociology and obtained his MA from the University of Windsor in 1986 and his PhD from the University of Toronto in 1992.

  3. The next intake after April 2024: October 2024 (To be confirmed) 除四月份,下期課程:預計2024年10月開課. 請注意:四月份開課之課程,將採用網上教學,敬請知悉。. Please note: April 2024 Intake of this course is conducted in online teaching mode. 請注意:課程學額有限,額滿即止,請盡早 ...

  4. 香港大學專業進修學院提供多元化的學位課程,讓你透過「入學通」一站式平台,輕鬆申請、註冊和查詢進度。

  5. 2024年7月2日 · HKU SPACE is a non-profit making University company limited by guarantee. HKU SPACE Community College. Lee Shiu Building, 28 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon. 3416 6338. CC Bot 9539 9849.

  6. BSc CUHK; BSc, MSc, PhD HK. College Vice Principal (Administration) 副校長 (行政) Dr CHOW, Shirley S.L. 周雪玲博士. BSc CUHK; PgCertEd, MEd, EdD HK; MCS LTS. College Associate Vice Principal (Academic Affairs) 協理副校長 (學術事務) Dr CHEUNG, Esther. 張泳沁博士. BEng Nott; MPhil Poly UHK; PhD Qld.UT; MCABE; C. Build E ...

  7. ACCA(Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)每年都為其學生會員配對師友計劃(ACCA Mentorship Scheme),今年亦不例外,我剛於四月二十四日於港麗酒店參加其啟動典禮。. 今年已是我第四個年頭參與此師友計劃。.