雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我的學校計劃進行一個校內比賽,讓同學根據一些本地作家的短故事,演出不同話劇。. 我學校可以不從版權擁有人處取得許可,而進行有關活動嗎?. | Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC) 10. 我的學校計劃進行一個校內比賽,讓同學根據一些本地作家的短故事,演出 ...

  2. 1. 如何探望還押人士? 對於還押人士來說,如果他們想要將親屬或朋友申報為探訪者,必須申報探訪者的姓名和與其的關係。 在被還押期間,他們可以隨意添加或移除探訪者,但需要懲教署的批准。 就探訪安排,並不會對還押人士或他們的親屬和朋友收取任何費用。 ‹ 上一頁. 返回首頁. 下一頁 ›.

  3. 香港法院及司法機構. 1. 香港有哪幾間主要法院?. 2. 甚麼案件會由上述之主要法院審理?. 3. 除上述之主要法院外,香港還有那些法院?. 4. 英文是否於香港法院內使用之唯一語言?.

  4. 實務指示31並不涵蓋人身傷亡及僱員賠償案件。. 而 實務指示18.1 及 實務指示18.2 ,就涵蓋了這些案件,並列舉了非常詳盡的條文。. 有關指引的理念,是希望透過調解,早日達成和解。. 展開法律程序之前,各方應該真誠地嘗試探索和解,方法可以是透過不 ...

  5. H. Significance of procuring third party risks insurance. In 1994, the canopy of a seafood restaurant situated at Albert House in Aberdeen collapsed. One passer-by was killed and 13 others were injured in the incident. The High Court held that the OC, property management company, restaurant, licencee of the restaurant, owner of the unit at ...

  6. 1. How can visitors from Mainland China gain permission to enter Hong Kong? 2. Who is entitled to an employment visa? 3. Are sponsored family members allowed to work in Hong Kong? 4. Do British citizens have to apply for employment visas if they want to work in Hong Kong? ‹ previous. back to top. next ›.

  7. A spent conviction is a conviction which, under the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance ( Cap. 297) (“RHO”), is, subject to some exceptions, ignored after a specified period of time. The objective of the RHO is to allow offenders to put a past mistake behind them.