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  1. The White Earth Effect describes a theory that for millions of years the Earth was almost entirely smothered in ice, stretching from the poles to the tropics. This freezing happened over 650 million years ago in the Pre-Cambrian period though it’s now thought that there may have been more than one of these global glaciations.

  2. Now Available on DVD. IMBD Summary: “The story of finance whiz Martin Armstrong reads like a movie script: a man designs a model that can predict the future. He calculates developments in the world economy with eerie accuracy and even the outbreak of wars… Until the FBI is on his doorstep and he is sent to prison.

  3. 2018年5月24日 · Our model shows a 43-year cycle to be precise. That is driven by the energy output of the sun for it tests back into ancient times as well. The Japanese data is the least “politically correct” data whereas the US versions have an agenda behind them to justify raising taxes as if we can really change the climate of the entire planet.

  4. 2022年4月2日 · Planet Lockdown has released the full interviews from their documentary, including the ones that did not make the final documentary. Click here to view the full interviews (translations available in numerous languages). Additionally, the producers have made the film available free of charge.

  5. Spread the love. The-New-Yorker-article (PDF) 10 Page Article on Martin Armstrong.

  6. 2019年2月23日 · Professor Don Easterbrook, who teaches geology at Western Washington University, testified before Congress that climate change is cyclical. Easterbrook made it clear that he was not politically motivated or funded by any big industry. In fact, he has 50 years of experience and provided the data to support his claims.

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