雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 電影中由橋本愛與染谷將太組成的「侏儸紀公園」樂團,受邀參與音樂祭的表演舞台拍攝地,則是在已邁入20週年的STAR PINE’S CAFÉ取景,這間Live House每天都會有樂團或歌手駐唱,從傳統音樂到搖滾流行都有,可以說是歌迷和獨立音樂的天堂。

  2. 2016年10月3日 · Hase-dera was constructed on the mountainside with views of both the ocean and the city. The beautiful garden is blooming with hydrangeas and irises all year round and as such, the temple has become acclaimed as the "flower temple."

  3. 2018年10月17日 · Shrines can be found just about everywhere in Japan. But shrines in Kyushu are special, because Kyushu is, according to legend, home to the first places where the Shinto gods descended to Earth. The following shrines mark five of Shintoism's most significant spots. 5. Aso Shrine (Kumamoto) http://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/5066001/

  4. 2019年5月31日 · This UNESCO World Heritage Site encompasses eight places in the old capital of Nara in Nara Prefecture, including five Buddhist temples and one Shinto shrine, all of which were registered with World Heritage in 1998. Some of the UNESCO sites include Todai-ji (home to the iconic Great Buddha), Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Kofuku-ji and Yakushi-ji.

  5. 2017年2月19日 · Kashima Shrine's Best Kept Secret. SoraNews24 Updated October 3, 2017. Shrines Shinto Temples & Shrines Ibaraki Kanto. For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines.

  6. 2019年6月17日 · 藏有10.8米高的日本最大木造大佛的寺庙 东长寺. 作为福冈的著名景点,拥有日本第一大的福冈大佛,国宝千手观音,还有未公开的弘法大师千字文,福冈名寺东长寺绝对是您的福冈之旅中不可或缺的一站。. http://showcase.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/. 806年由弘法大师空 ...

  7. 2022年9月6日 · Senso-ji Temple, more formally Kinryu-zan Senso-ji (金龍山浅草寺), is the oldest temple in Tokyo. Attracting some 30 million people per year, it's one of the most most-visited temples in the country, and an essential part of any visit to Tokyo. Why? Because beyond the history, it's essentially a one-stop-shop for everything traditionally Japanese!