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  1. 影片所载的资料乃取自汇丰保险相信为可靠的来源,然而,汇丰保险并未独立地核实此等资料。 汇丰保险及香港上海汇丰银行有限公司(「汇丰」)并不会对此等资料的准确性及完整性作出保证、陈述或担保,及不会对此等资料承担任何责任。

  2. 2023年1月. 3分钟. 延续对家人的爱,守护与传承是秘诀之一。 保险计划的「更改保单受保人」选项,可助您达成目标。 「富,不过三代」或可改写。 限时优惠. 投保汇溢保险计划 II,可享首年保费低至82折,指定客户更可享额外1.5%折扣优惠。 预约会面. 优惠期至2024年6月30日。 受条款及细则约束 。 您可能会有兴趣… 产品. 汇溢尊尚保险计划. 一份趸缴保费的人寿保险计划,提供长线财富增长机会,于保单初期可享有相等于已缴保费85%的保证现金价值. 了解更多. 产品. 汇溢保险计划 II. 一份助您实现长远储蓄目标的人寿保险计划. 了解更多. 回到首页. 立即订阅. 选择您最有兴趣的题目,免费订阅日常保险保障必备知识。 订阅. 分享此内容. 免责声明.

  3. 千種關係.由愛聯繫:Jack & Tina互相守護 第二集愛嘅分享有情侶Jack同Tina同大家分享千禧世代嘅愛情觀以及佢哋對承諾嘅睇法。滙豐保險相信只要係相愛嘅伴侶,都同樣值得被終生保障。早前滙豐保險將人壽保險產品之受益人範圍擴闊,為相愛嘅情侶提供婚姻證明外嘅有效保障。

    • Wealth Protection
    • Family Protection
    • Wealth and Protection Transfer
    • Estate Equalisation
    • The Beauty of Legacy Planning

    Life insurance policies with a savings element give you a lifetime of protection and can serve as a tool to help accumulate wealth for the long term. While you are growing the cash value of your policy with the premiums you pay, you may receive regular cash bonuses and dividends under the policy, subject to market conditions, which you can use to f...

    Life can be unpredictable, and the lack of adequate protection could leave your family exposed financially in the wake of unfortunate events. That is why a life policy typically protects the insured person’s family with a sizeable death benefit in the unfortunate event of his/ her untimely passing. Some jurisdictions outside Hong Kong may impose es...

    Some life policies allow you to change the life insured1(Subject to the approval of insurance company), which gives you the option to pass on your wealth and life protection to the next generation at an earlier time if you wish. A life policy also allows you to change your designated beneficiary (ies), so you always have the flexibility to allocate...

    Sometimes people want to divide their assets evenly but not all assets and holdings can be easily divided into equal or defined portions. Purchasing a life insurance policy can be a good way to ensure effective distribution, so that, if you wish, all your beneficiaries would receive nearly equal shares of your estate. Applicable products: Whole Lif...

    Mr. and Mrs. Chan’s estate is worth a total of HKD20 million, including a HKD8 million property. They plan to keep a portion of it for their retirement and divide the rest equally between their two children as inheritance. Without using insurance in legacy planning In this hypothetical scenario, Mr. and Mrs. Chan may have to ensure they spend no mo...

  4. 無論基於任何原因,本影片 所載之部分或全部內容均不得複製或進一步發放予任何人士或實體。 此影片所載之資料更新至2021年11月 由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(註冊成立於百慕達之有限公司)刊發 ...

  5. 有關賺取高達$2,000「獎賞錢」,只適用於持有有效滙豐保險計劃保單的滙豐客戶。 詳情請參閱此網頁及香港滙豐流動理財應用程式上相關的條款和細則及常見問題 (FAQ) 。 免責聲明 Well+計劃(「本計劃」)由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)(「滙豐保險」)及香港 ...

  6. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › ins › zh-hkLIFE Talk - HSBC

    觀看影片 # 財富傳承 #財富保障 #遺產安排 #人壽保障 傳承之道: 更改保單受保 讓保單延續 延續對家人的愛,守護與傳承是秘訣之一。保險計劃的「更改保單受保人」選項,可助您達成目標。「富,不過三代」或可改寫 ...