雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日日買日日都有得賺!. 憑Citi HKTVmall信用卡喺HKTVmall超級市場買精選貨品滿HK$300,. 即賞您高達 15%獎賞 。. 今日買完,聽日可以再掃貨,賺盡精彩著數. 日日享高達15%獎賞. - 於HKTVmall購買約3,000 超級市場 熱門貨品滿HK$300可享. 10% Mall Dollar 回贈. - 星期三/四/五 ...

  2. 依家憑指定Citi信用卡簽賬滿指定金額,即可獨家享高達 HK$720 即時折扣, 用埋Pay with Points憑分消費抵銷簽賬,再賺高達 HK$300 禮券! 即用KKday預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 享即時折扣後記得用埋Pay with Points抵銷簽賬,分分鐘唔使錢就已經安排好您嘅行程!

  3. 300,000 (價值 HK$1,200) The Point積分價值是根據The Point積分兌換率 (即每250 The Point積分 = HK$1元)計算。. 相關兌換率會不時更改,而恕不另行通知,商戶將有全權決定權。. 優惠名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。. 不論客戶使用多少張指定信用卡進行兌換,每位客戶於 ...

  4. Citi Pay with Points Redemption Service (“Service”) applies to Principal Cardholders ("Cardholders") of Citi Classic Card, Citi Gold Card, Citi HKTVmall Card, Citi Rewards Card, Citi PremierMiles Card, Citi Plus® Credit Card, Citi Prestige Cardand Citi Ultima Card issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited ("Citibank") ("Eligible Cards").

  5. Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Genki Sushi Online Takeaway Ordering Platform for each redemption. Statement credits will be posted to Eligible Cardholders’ Card Account within 7 calendar days of redemption. 7.

  6. Don't miss the winter spending offer with up to 8% extra rebate on Citi Credit Cards! Whether you are booking flights and hotels, shopping overseas or online, dining out or buying clothes and electronics, you can enjoy more rewards with Citi . Find out the details and apply now!

  7. 熱愛旅行嘅您,計劃行程一定識揀KKday!好消息!Citi Pay with Points依家仲正式登陸KKday, 憑指定Citi信用卡喺香港KKday平台預訂本地以至外地吃喝玩樂,買景點門票或預訂觀光行程, 都可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用積分抵銷簽賬! 更易pay,更多fun,仲唔立即上KKday探索專屬於您嘅難忘旅程?