雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 冬季銀白色世界的十勝大津海岸川河口附近,有一處特殊的「寶石冰塊 (ジュエリーアイス)」奇景,夜晚在月光照射之下就像是戒指般的閃閃發亮著,日出及夕陽之際,又有璀璨靜謐的美感。

  2. 眾所周知日本是個島國,但是有多少小島美是你尚未了解呢?. 說到日本離島,佐渡島一定榜上有名。. 美麗自然風景,歷史悠久建築群,淳樸民風,令人垂涎欲滴特色美食……。. 佐渡島,有探索不完美食美景,值得你去發現。. 夏天,一起去 ...

  3. 2022年12月16日 · TOP10 — 北海道│札幌「雪祭」. 冬天最适合到北海道玩雪,享受北国独有银白世界。. 冬天北海道最有名就是2月初至2月中举办札幌雪祭,今年分成3个会场,大通公园附近与薄野附近会场以除了具有特色冰雕展以外,同时搭配光影投射、灯饰妆点 ...

  4. 帶小朋友出國爸媽們往往必須尋覓適合小朋友一同玩耍景點,海之中道海濱公園裡面有許多適合小朋友遊樂設施,還有花圃、動物園,可以分散小孩注意力,還可以跟小動物近距離接觸,裏頭最受歡迎超長溜滑梯十分刺激,讓大人也可以玩得盡興,園區

  5. 2018年5月23日 · Hida Takayama is an Edo Period (1603-1868) castle town located in the picturesque Hida Mountains of northern Gifu Prefecture. This ancient town’s remote location makes it a fantastic place to view the autumn colors, which are typically at their peak from mid-October to mid-November. The following places are our top recommendations for the area. 4.

  6. 2018年5月23日 · The festival, locally known as the Hachiman Festival in honor of the divine protector of Japan, Hachiman, is centered on Sakurayama Hachiman Shrine in the northern part of Takayama City. It signifies the arrival of autumn to the Hida area after the long hot summer and prompts the locals to start their winter preparations.

  7. 穿梭在木江的街道中,就像是穿越到了大正時期,從建築和氛圍中,感受到當時繁華的吉光片羽。 想在木江地區住上一晚,十分推薦下榻於「木江溫泉 清風館飯店 ( きのえ温泉 ホテル清風館 )」。 全館共55間房間,有和室和洋室可供選擇,露天溫泉與料理皆具一定水準。 從飯店能180度欣賞整個瀨戶內海,誰都必定因海景之美而感動不已。 https://www.facebook.com/hotel.seifukan/photos/a.436806149676391/989019861121681/?type=3&theater. 若想住在大崎上島的清風館,建議不妨早點辦妥入住手續,放好行李後,直接前往露天溫泉。 邊泡湯,邊等待金黃色的夕陽,落在如鏡般的藍色海面。

  8. 2017年7月28日 · Also known as the Star Festival, Tanabata is traditionally held on the seventh day of the seventh month of the old lunar calendar, celebrating the legend of the one day of the year when the deities Hikoboshi (identified with the star Altair) and Orihime (identified with Vega), separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet.

  9. 2017年11月2日 · 8 Gorgeous Japanese Lantern Festivals. Japanese lantern festivals are held to ward off evil or send off the dead, or just to warm up a chilly winter. Some date back centuries, while others are recent innovations. Whatever their provenance, they are a spectacle to behold!

  10. 2017年12月11日 · The Stunning Symbol of Japan. Even if you don't know your samurai from your shinkansen, you likely know about Mount Fuji, the stunning symbol of Japan. At 3,776 meters (12,389 ft), this active volcano is the tallest mountain in the nation and has been immortalized in artwork and poetry since antiquity.

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