雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 位於日本中國地方,以瀨戶內海藝術祭聞名的岡山縣,除了有岡山城、岡山後樂園、吉備津神社等著名歷史景點,其他在地必吃美食和購物行程更是不容錯過!

  2. NIHON BED 茨城工廠的工廠長倉持先生對自家的彈簧獨立製作技術相當自豪,原因在於 NIHON BED 床墊中的高密度獨立彈簧,比其他品牌都更加纖細,因此支撐力也更加足夠,能提供不同體重區間的人良好的睡眠品質。

  3. 2016年4月25日 · Japan’s 10 Coolest Subculture Illustrators! Tokyo Girls' Update Updated April 25, 2016. Art Fashion Deeper Japan Harajuku. tokyogirlsupdate.com. Japan is known worldwide for its traditional design principles and zen-influenced aesthetics like wabi-sabi, but how about the up-and-coming illustrators of subculture Japan? http://ai-madonna.jp/

  4. 2016年2月29日 · 这件日本传统玩具是在一端削尖、一端挖成皿状的木柄上,橫装上两端呈皿状的木座,中间拴线绳,线绳的另一端拴上开孔的木球做成的。 游戏时,把球甩起使球嵌在木柄的尖端,或接住在木柄的凹座上就算成功。 竞技型剑玉还是一种运动。 在日本除了有级位与段位的检定,还有剑玉师的职称。 甚至在国外还有极限运动选手将剑玉当成一种极限运动在玩。 - zh.wikipedia.org (繁体中文) 力士独楽(力士陀螺) http://www.tokorozawa.saitama.med.or.jp/machida/j-edo-rikishi-koma.html. 木头制的相扑台中,用指尖转动相扑力士的顶髻,可以让力士玩偶进行对战。 是一款非常有趣的玩具。 亲朋好友一起玩的话,气氛会变得很热烈哦~

  5. 2017年8月22日 · Gacharic Spin leader and bassist F Chopper Koga is already renowned in Japan for her best-selling series of bass instruction videos and superior slap-bass technique. She raises the bar once again in her latest tutorial for the BOSS GT-1B Bass Effects Processor. Check it out! Media Partner.

  6. 2017年3月14日 · Eri (衿): the collar of the kimono. Do-ura (胴裏): this inner, unseen lining is simple for female kimono, but often more decorative in men's kimono. The historical context comes from a time when men removed their kimono, at the bathhouse for example, and others could see their wealth based on how detailed the inner lining was.

  7. 2017年3月14日 · The kimono is perhaps the most iconic item of traditional Japanese clothing. Literally meaning "thing to wear" (着物), its roots can be traced back to the Nara Period (710-794), when aristocratic women of the imperial court wore clothes with stiff Chinese-style collars and long, cylindrical sleeves.