雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 【沖繩伴手禮】初訪沖繩一定要帶回家的三大紀念品 | All About Japan. 沖繩縣位於日本領土的最南端,有著古老獨特的文化。 美麗的沙灘、湛藍的海水在陽光下閃耀著如藍寶般的光芒,成為海外觀光客心中的度假勝地。 帶著在沖繩度過的美好回憶返鄉的同時,這裡我們要推薦給初來乍到沖繩的大家,三款充滿沖繩特色的代表紀念品,讓你隨時隨地都能重溫沖繩悠閒愜意的氛圍。 沖繩必買伴手禮No.3:香檬 (酸桔仔)製品. https://twitter.com/PABLOSWEETS/status/865015091053211649. 日本是全世界平均壽命最長的國家。 在沖繩縣,眾多長壽的人瑞多半還很健康。 有許多人認為沖繩人之所以這般長壽,是歸功於沖繩的飲食,常常會加入一樣非常健康的水果「香檬」。

  2. 2018年6月18日 · 1. Itamae Kappo Ginza Kasuga. http://ginzadelunch.jp/?p=6805. This restaurant's counter seating makes it casual and welcoming even for solo female diners. The multi-course lunch features tempura over rice. - r.gnavi.co.jp. 2. Kyokasuzuke Uokyu (Ginza Branch) http://www.uokyu.co.jp/jpn/02.html.

  3. 2019年2月18日 · Kinryu no Mai means “The Dance of the Golden Dragon,” and involves eight people controlling the shimmering dragon to gracefully move through the air, appearing to chase after a lotus-shaped golden ball. This lotus-shaped ball is in fact being guarded by the dragon, and represents Kannon, the Goddess of Mercy.

  4. 2017年11月2日 · Historical. The Ancient Ninja Strongholds of Iga & Koka. John Asano Updated November 2, 2017. Museum Ninja Shoryudo Mie Shiga. www.govoyagin.com. A lot of mystery and intrigue surround the legendary ninja of Japan. In Japanese, ninja are also called shinobi, which is a shortened form of shinobi-no-mono (忍びの者), or “those who act in stealth.”

  5. 2017年12月21日 · Historical. Hakone Shrine: Home of the Nine-Headed Serpent. Michael Kanert Updated December 21, 2017. Shrines Hakone Temples & Shrines Greater Tokyo Kanagawa Kanto. pixta.jp. The Hakone hot spring resort region is centered on Mount Hakone (箱根山・Hakone-yama), a massive, multi-peaked volcano with a crater lake in its southern corner. Hakone Shrine.

  6. 2024年3月26日 · 2018年4月,拥有日本85%以上金箔制品的石川县泽市,日本规模最大的金箔体验型综合博物馆“箔巧馆”正式开馆。“箔巧馆”是一个可全方位了解金箔、寓教于乐的新场所。这里拥有各种运用最新数字技术的设计,让访客可以全方位了解金箔。

  7. 2016年2月8日 · Wagashi Goldfish How to make Japanese Style Jelly. Watch on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ty1W0bPI60. Japan is hands-down the best at perfecting the arts and crafts for anything kawaii , including "too cute to eat" edible sweets assortments. But what if you want to make your own?

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