雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月14日 · Starring Takeda Tetsuya (武田鉄矢), loved by TV audiences but not by the women who populate his world, this hit follows his quest to find a wife. Our unlikely hero fails almost one hundred times before finally meeting a beautiful cellist played by Asano Atsuko (浅野温子). However, still mourning the loss of her fiancé, she too comes ...

  2. 2016年8月15日 · | All About Japan. 人類趕快看過來你認識這些日本電視台萌物代言人嗎? 豐平川. 設計 萌物. huranzuki.cocolog-nifty.com. 在日本這樣一個萌物鋪天蓋地的環境裡各電視台也都有自己的萌物作為吉祥物這些萌物以廣告漫畫動畫等等各種方式讓電視節目更加的五彩繽紛。 どーもくん NHK. http://android.pada.biz/jp/display.jsp?id=4417959967. どーもくん是NHK常用的幾個吉祥物中比較獨特的一個。 他有著巧克力一般方塊形的身材和顏色,大大張開的嘴顯示出對食物的不屈不撓和一往情深。 在NHK節目間隙,屏幕中間蹦蹦跳跳拿個牌子提醒大家交收視費的就是どーもくん。 - www.nhk.or.jp (日文)

  3. 2018年10月18日 · Here are some of the most remembered love songs from TV dramas and movies up to 2016. 5. Say Yes — Chage and Aska (1991) “Say Yes” is the duo’s 27th single that was used in the TV drama Hyakuikkaime no Puropozu (The 101st Proposal) starring Tetsuya Takeda and Atsuko Asano. Despite the lead vocal Aska’s recent scandal and drug arrest ...

  4. 2017年10月16日 · Many in their twenties and thirties nowadays are using dating apps and websites to find love, especially as they are generally free of charge. Tinder and OkCupid work fine in Japan, plus some local ones like Pairs and Matchbook. Thanks to your smartphone, love is now only a few feet away. You can find just about anything in Japan, from dancing ...

  5. 2020年3月6日 · Japan’s many love hotels offer couples a private space for some intimate time, typically for an hourly rate. However, despite what you might expect, love hotels are slowly beginning to shed their image as hotbeds of illicit after-hours activity. Between Japan’s small apartments and the prevalence of people living at home well into their 30s ...

  6. 2017年12月28日 · 12月31日除夕夜(日本稱為大晦日),日本人也有不睡覺、守歲習慣,台灣守歲是害怕年獸侵襲, 日本則是要等待年神到來,而在年神來之前,就會前往寺院去除一年來身上沾染晦氣,而寺院則會敲響108次大梵鐘,清淨信眾身心及靈魂,沈穩又洪亮鐘聲,餘音繞樑,韻味十足。 以下介紹幾處東京熱門參拜處! 東京除夕敲鐘推薦1【中野】新井藥師 梅照院. http://www.araiyakushi.or.jp/ 新井藥師被選為新東京百景之一,主祀二神合一藥師如來及如意輪觀音,據說古時秀忠公將軍孩子罹患眼疾,在此祈求後竟快速痊癒,因此成為了祈求健康名處。

  7. 2019年2月18日 · Time: 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Location: Asakusa Sensoji Temple. Kinryu no Mai means “The Dance of the Golden Dragon,” and involves eight people controlling the shimmering dragon to gracefully move through the air, appearing to chase after a lotus-shaped golden ball. This lotus-shaped ball is in fact being guarded by the dragon, and ...