雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年8月22日 · Bowtie x Kayan9896 試吓喺保險廣告拍電影級真爆炸?. Bowtie 團隊每日都會絞盡腦汁做新嘗試,希望每次都為客戶及觀眾帶嚟新突破!. 今次 2021 全新廣告就搵嚟人氣急升嘅 Kayan9896 參演,延續往年 「自保時代」廣告 (由曾俊華參演)入面嘅反烏托邦元素,仲首次搵 ...

  2. 蔣將, Bowtie 專欄網誌

  3. 2023年10月10日 · 氯苯那敏是常用於抗敏或紓緩感冒不適的藥物,由於屬非處方藥物,市民可從市面上的註冊藥房購入。. 今次,我們將一文解釋氯苯那敏功效、服用方法及常見副作用,避免因不當服用而帶來嚴重的後果。. 作者 藥劑師 Victor. 日期 2023-10-10. 更新 2024-04-30. 目錄. 氯 ...

  4. Expert Support Guaranteed. Service Hours: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays) Customer Service Specialist. Offer product and policy support. Respond to queries about product features and coverage. Provide application status updates, assist update health information and manage policies.

  5. Be prepared for unexpected events: claim for your loved ones. If your loved ones are unable to make a claim on their own due to injury or illness, you can file a claim on their behalf. Our claim ambassador will then contact you or your loved one for the claims process.

  6. 顏耀輝, Bowtie 專欄網誌

  7. 陳敬安 醫生, Bowtie 專欄網誌

  8. 2022年7月21日 · HONG KONG, 19 July 2022 – As Hong Kong’s first virtual insurer, Bowtie dedicates to building a healthier society, not only by providing insurance products to safeguard the wellbeing of Hong Kongers, but also by laying a solid foundation for health with the concept of “prevention is better than cure”.

  9. Bowtie redesigns the insurance experience in HK by charging no commission fee, providing instant quote without personal data and pure protection products to customers!

  10. 香港純網上保險公司 | 網上投保首選 | 保泰人壽 | Bowtie