雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Australia's #1 destination for K-Pop, C-Pop, J-Pop and more. Non-stop Asian pop music streaming 24/7. Help us improve the SBS Audio website We would love to hear your ...

  2. 2022年11月3日 · 一份新报告显示了具体国家签证申请者的等待时长。 Visa processing times for tourists and business travellers blew out this year. Source: SBS. 澳大利亚访客签证等待时长曝光. 新报告显示,中国公民递交的旅游签证审理时间高达四个月. 与新冠大流行前相比,抵澳访客人数出现了大幅减少. 一份新报告显示,渴望在今年访问澳大利亚的游客需要等待数月才能获得签证批准,其中大多数中国公民无法在四个月内得到签证审批。 内政部关于访客签证的数据报告. 描绘了澳大利亚国际边界于2021年11月1日重新开放后系统延迟的严酷情况。

  3. “I couldn’t really survive in China but there was no way for me to go abroad." After waiting 10 years for his permanent visa to get approved in 2008, Ryan flew to Sydney on Mardi Gras day.

  4. 2024年2月5日 · 工作场所关系部长托尼·柏克(Tony Burke)本周向主要的跨党派议员分发了一份断联权修正案草案,并面临着来自商业团体要求公开发布该草案的压力。 如果通过 澳大利亚人将如何从断联权中受益? 五分之四的澳大利亚人认为,断联权将在国家就业标准中发挥有效作用。 Research from the Australia Institute found that, working overtime has significant impacts on health, wellbeing and productivity.

  5. Manu Feildel, Miranda Otto, Pat Rafter, Kathy Lette, Wayne Blair, Melissa Doyle, Stephen Curry and Heather Ewart join a life-changing new season of 'Who Do You Think You Are?', premiering Tuesday ...

  6. 2015年8月31日 · Only a reduction in the working week to 30 hours or less can be seen as genuine progress in the achievement of shorter work time. For us to reach – and enjoy – a three or ideally a four-day ...

  7. 2019年7月22日 · Every time I was told to ‘go back to my country’ it only made me stronger The bullying, taunting and name calling only made me realise I had to be stronger. We live in a world where the ...