雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年7月4日 · 害羞的高二數學天才少年健二受學姐夏希的拜託,隨學姐回到位於長野縣上田市的老家,假裝她的男友來慶祝奶奶的90歲生日。 奶奶一家是從室町時代一直存在的戰國大家族陣內一家。 親戚遍及各行各業。 健二在奶奶家住的當晚,無意中解開了一組數列問題,而這個數列問題隱藏的密碼正是OZ虛擬平台的防禦密碼。 從OZ中誕生的人工智能依靠這個密碼妄圖控制和奪取全世界的帳號,因此現實社會也陷入一片混亂。 拯救世界的任務就由健二和奶奶一家承擔了起來。 - s-wars.jp (日文) http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2143592388794406201. 這部動畫電影中,背景雖然設定在了科技高度發展的未來,但影片中卻充滿了日本的傳統元素。

  2. 2022年3月30日 · 川渊华织从大学时代开始学习英语、法语,并以女演员的身份展开活动,出演电影和舞台剧。2009年她开始了CG角色的活动,在《FINAL FANTASY》系列等游戏、动画、CG电影中担任重要角色。在2017年出演2B角色的游戏《NieR:Automata》中,还担任了几个角色 ...

  3. 2018年1月14日 · The official trailer of the anime movie Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazaro (さよならの朝に約束の花をかざろう, roughly translated as Let Us Adorn the Morning of Farewells with Flowers) was released on December 14, 2017. The film marks the directorial debut of Mari Okada, who was screenwriter for various anime ...

  4. 2017年7月25日 · The special slice of katana history will be on display until October 15, 2017. For more information including the location of Tokyo National Museum, click on the full story from RocketNews24 below! The legendary crescent moon katana, one of Japan's Five Swords Under Heaven, is now on display and is a hit with history buffs and video gamers alike.

  5. 2017年11月1日 · A short walk from Kanazawa Castle is the Nagamachi Samurai District (Nagamachi Buke Yashiki), a well-preserved area where the samurai of Kanazawa once lived. It's a wonderful place to soak up the atmosphere of feudal Japan and the samurai age with narrow, winding streets lined with traditional mud-tiled walls and old samurai houses.

  6. 2016年11月28日 · Himeji Castle Reborn. Himeji Castle never faced an actual battle, nor was it damaged during World War 2, so it is the most complete and unaltered surviving castle in Japan. The castle has eight structures designated as National Treasures, and seventy-four designated as Important Cultural Properties. In 1993, Himeji Castle was among the first ...

  7. 2018年5月23日 · The Takayama Autumn Festival has been celebrated now for around 400 years. It's believed to have started between the 16th and 17th centuries and is held every year on October 9 and 10. The festival, locally known as the Hachiman Festival in honor of the divine protector of Japan, Hachiman, is centered on Sakurayama Hachiman Shrine in the ...