雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 火險批改火險批改申 申申申請書請請書書請書 Fire Fire InsuranceInsuranceInsurance Endorsement Application FormEndorsement Application FormEndorsement Application Form 致 :中銀集團保險有限公司 To:Bank of China Group Insurance Co

  2. 中銀集團保險將繼續以多元化的產品、眾多的銷售渠道、緊貼巿場的發展策略及經營方針,為客戶提供優質、專業的服務。. 中銀集團保險主要經營的險種有:火險、財產一切險、現金險、船舶險、盜竊險、運輸險(海上、陸路、航空)、汽車險、僱員賠償險 ...

  3. 如受保人欲指定受益人,須以書面通知中銀集團保險。. Beneficiary :::Accidental death compensation shall be payable to the statutory beneficiary of the Insured Person(s). If the Insured Person(s) wishes to designate the beneficiary, a written notice should be given to BOCG Insurance. 投保書陳述項目Stated ...

  4. 如受保人欲指定受益人,須以書面通知中銀集團保險。. Beneficiary:Accidental death compensation shall be payable to the beneficiary of the Insured Person(s). If the Insured statutory Person(s) wishes to designate the beneficiary, a written notice should be given to BOCG Insurance. 銀行代理注意Important Notes to the ...

  5. Page 1 of 5 PAA-A-BK-2023-V05 人身意外綜合保障計劃投保書 Personal Accident Comprehensive Protection Plan Proposal Form 通訊地址: 香港中環德輔道中71號永安集團大廈8樓 ...

  6. 備註Notes. 1 . 「本地船隻船舶險/ 船東責任保險」( 下稱“ 本計劃”) 由中銀集團保險承保。. Hull Insurance/Protection and Indemnity Cover for Local Craft Insurance (named below as “this Plan”) is underwritten by BOCG Insurance. 2 . 中國銀行(香港)有限公司、南洋商業銀行有限公司、集友銀行 ...

  7. Page 2 of 3 MPI-A-2019-V05 投保類別 Type of Insurance: I) 船殼及機器保險Hull & Machinery i) 要保金額Amount of Insurance required _____ 船值Valuation ...

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