雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 您的沖繩之旅、新電視 、奢華晚餐,還有在加拿大的外甥。 這都是社交媒體帖文的常見內容。您或許曾在Instagram發布旅程照片,又在Facebook感謝好友幫您選購合預算的電視。您又可能曾經為那次周年紀念晚餐寫過食評。在外甥生日時,您也可能在他的 ...

  2. 網路安全及防詐騙資訊中心. X世代(40-55歲). 人到中年,最易中甚麼詐騙陷阱?. 某晚在看電視的時候,您的電話突然響起。. 您拿起手機一看,是一個「+852」字頭的號碼來電。. 電話裏的人自稱政府機構職員,說得出您的姓氏,還說:「我們懷疑您洗黑錢。. 您 ...

  3. HSBC Safeguard. Financial crime is a growing global issue and can affect everyone. Banks play a vital role in protecting the integrity of the financial system upon which we all depend and HSBC is committed to meeting the highest standards in its controls against financial crime. As a trusted banking partner in Hong Kong with over 150 years of ...

  4. 滙豐卓越理財客戶: (852) 2233 3322. 其他客戶: (852) 2233 3000. 您也可以傳送電郵至 ,向我們回報。. 我們非常重視您的信用卡安全,並致力提升偵測詐騙的系統,務求以最佳方式保護您免受詐騙的威脅。. 如果我們發現您的信用卡出現可疑交易,會向您發送短訊 ...

  5. 如何關閉接收推播通知功能? 您可隨時在「接收推播通知喜好設定」關閉接收推播通知功能。 如您關閉接收推播通知功能,在部分情況下(例如信用卡賬單即將到期),您會收到短訊通知。 關閉步驟︰. 點選頁面右上角的頭像圖標. 點開「通訊喜好設定」 點選「接收推播通知喜好設定」 關閉「接收戶口通知」功能. 您可隨時按喜好開啟或關閉接收推播通知功能。 返回頁首 .

  6. 2018 HSBC New Series Hong Kong Banknotes. HSBC’s 2018 new series incorporates a unique design narrative that connects Hong Kong’s people, landmarks and nature to showcase the facets of life in Hong Kong. Facets of life in Hong Kong are portrayed through the interaction between people, as well as between people and nature.

  7. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.