雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 愛要及時,你行動了嗎?趁520這個日子表達愛意,為珍貴的人訂下幸福約定!從未持有任何滙豐人壽保單的新保險客戶 1 於5月20至24日,用「520」優惠碼網上投保以下定期人壽、醫療及危疾保障計劃,即可解鎖首年保費低於1折限時優惠 2,給身邊摯愛一個「最長久的約定」。

  2. 樓按要識:H按、P按、定按 識揀至慳息. 申請樓按經常聽到H按、P按、定按,其實有何不同?. 應該選擇哪一種才能符合預算又慳息?. 面對經濟大環境變化又有何要注意?. 了解更多. #H按 #P按 #定息 #按揭 #申請按揭 #慳息.

  3. The four pillars of FinFit. The FinFit index adopts an algorithmic approach by combining external survey responses with internal customer data in a financial behaviour study. It covers four areas: financial habits, financial knowledge, financial planning, and cyber security & safety. Impacted by the pandemic and the economic slowdown, Hong Kong ...

  4. 2022年2月. 3 分鐘. 任何人都想出色過人,但身體強健是關鍵條件。 所以保健服務亦不可退而求其次。 更想有一站式保障及保健? 有,已為您準備最新資訊。 限時優惠. 網上投保滙豐自願醫保靈活計劃 並輸入優惠代碼「MEDI30」即享首年保費7折。 與家人一同投保,更可額外獲享保費9折優惠。 立即加入成為Well+會員,更可享高達60%首年保費折扣優惠! 立即投保. 優惠期至2024年6月30日。 受條款及細則約束 。 立即訂閱. 選擇您最有興趣的題目,免費訂閱日常保險保障必備知識。 分享此內容. 免責聲明. 本片所載資料僅供參考,並不構成對任何人士提供任何建議,或藉此作出任何財務決定,亦不應視為代替專業建議。 任何人士不應在未尋求特定專業意見前,單靠此文章作出任何有關財務、健康或決定。

  5. The definition of “middle class” has long been a subject of debate. In May 2022, HSBC Premier conducted a survey of 1,000 people in Hong Kong for fresh insights into middle class aspirations and financial needs. A key finding: a middle class person is widely thought to be someone with an average of HKD5.9 million in liquid assets. And, due to a combination of social and other factors, the ...

  6. The formula is simple as below: Premium x Tax rate = Tax Savings. Keep in mind: The maximum taxdeductible amount for QDAP premiums is HKD60,000 6 per tax assessment year, saving up to HKD 10,200 in tax 7. The maximum tax-deductible amount for VHIS premiums is HKD8,000 per life insured 10, saving up to HKD 1,360 in tax 7. Tip #2.

  7. Open an account in a few steps Save up for the future When that person you’ve been waiting for shows up, life begins! To make the most of it, you can’t be so chill about managing your wealth anymore. Open an integrated account now with your HSBC HK App, be more hands-on about your money and steer your life towards where you want it to be.