雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月6日 · At the core of meditation, the skill that is practised is the ability to completely clear the mind and focus, but how do I improve my photography knowing this? Photo by Kahli April.

  2. 2024年4月23日 · Photographing from low is great when you’re playing with compositional elements such as reflections, leading lines and shadows. A puddle on a busy city street can provide you with an interesting reflection if photographed from down low, and a road can provide

  3. Each new year brings us an opportunity to start fresh, set some goals, and see dreams come to fruition. To kickstart 2022, we put this question to members of our OFFBEAT Team: What is your #1 goal for your photography in 2022? Their answers are as inspiring ...

  4. 2022年12月5日 · By Kahli April As I get older and wiser (ha) I’m continuously surprised by the way life lessons appear in the most unusual places. Unexpected analogies while eating breakfast, epiphanies hiding in the grocery store isles and more recently, realizations relevant to photography while mountain biking

  5. 2023年7月13日 · Experiment with the diffused light and muted colors caused by the smoke. The hazy conditions can create a surreal and moody ambiance, making for compelling and different compositions. Look for opportunities to include elements such as silhouettes of trees, buildings, or people to enhance the sense of scale and tell a visual story.

  6. 2023年3月27日 · I love to see a nice pop of light on the subject to isolate them from their surroundings. You don’t need to use artificial lighting and can sometimes leverage available light, such as positioning a portrait subject in directional window light or using direct sunlight.

  7. 2021年9月3日 · I have long been convinced that putting up with momentary discomfort – even misery – can often lead to more compelling images. Many times, finding a better composition can be achieved by taking the shoes off and shocking the feet for a second, or bushwhacking for a couple of minutes, or walking uphill for 50 metres.