雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年7月6日 · The N700S is the first fully remodeled Tokaido Shinkansen train series in 13 years. Travel Idyllic Etajima: Inland Sea Getaway ... Eco-Tourism in the Ogasawara Islands: Composting toilet Lessens Inbound Impact March 29, 2024 Food & Drink This Sushi Visit ...

  2. 2019年3月11日 · www.gov-online.go.jp. The Rokumon train takes approximately two hours to run between Karuizawa—one of Japan’s leading resort areas—and the prefectural capital of Nagano City. Inaugurated in July 2014, the train’s name comes from the Rokumonsen, the crest of the Sanada family, a warrior clan associated with Ueda City, which is on Rokumon ...

  3. 2019年3月11日 · A TV commercial produced in 1984 in which an ice hockey player shoots a G-SHOCK instead of a puck and the wristwatch remains whole sparked the brand’s worldwide popularity. The commercial was criticized as being all hype, but an American TV program later tested it and proved the product’s extraordinary shock tolerance.

  4. 神社入口基本上有一個水槽和帶柄的勺子,用來給參拜者洗手漱口用,這個地方叫做“禦手洗”。洗手漱口的時候按照以下流程: 1.右手拿柄勺從水槽中取水沖幹凈左手。 2.左手拿著柄勺沖幹凈右手。 3.再用右手拿柄勺取水,將水放在左手的手掌,用其漱口。

  5. 這次有特別安排到石卷的牡鹿半島參加漁師體驗,除了坐著當地漁師的漁船欣賞海灣風景之外,也實際觀看養殖時各階段的牡蠣的樣子。. 牡蠣養殖的期間各地不同,石卷是養殖二年後才上市販賣,肉質飽滿肥美。. 參加體驗的旅客們專心聽著船長解說。. 實際 ...

  6. 2017年1月26日 · First Day for a ‘Shakaijin’. Many associate Japan with a unique work culture, with rules that flummox people new to the system. But with a little training, and teamwork, it doesn't have to be that confusing. Here's your guide to a great first day as a so-called “full-fledged member of society” or shakaijin.

  7. 2016年11月28日 · On June 22, 2016, Hakata, Fukuoka’s first idol group, HR, released their third major single, “Mattoyo!” The single’s title track is an upbeat number, centering on the themes of Hakata, summer and festivals, and is packed with Hakata city charm.