雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 產品介紹. 產品介紹. 個人 企業. 健康. 危疾保障. 醫療保障. 自願醫保計劃. 嚴重程度健康保障. 意外及其他保障.

  2. 2020年7月8日 · 2020年7月8日. 下載PDF版本. 友邦香港及澳門今日公佈,百萬圓桌 (MDRT)*會員人數於全球、香港及澳門同時稱冠。 擁有此資格的友邦香港財務策劃顧問高達3,565人,為第18年高踞香港首位。 與此同時,澳門友邦保險以589人,再次穩佔全澳門MDRT會員人數第一,成績斐然。 友邦香港及澳門首席執行官顧培德先生表示:「我們能在充滿挑戰的2019年,於業界公認最崇高的國際榮譽MDRT排名稱冠,見證了我們財務策劃顧問團隊的高度專業及毅力,以全心服務客戶的精神。 這份榮譽亦印證我們靈活多變的策略,全面獲得客戶的肯定。 不論客戶的需要如何演變,我們承諾會提供最專業貼心的服務。 我們會繼續努力,與客戶並肩妥善籌劃美好將來,助大家活岀『健康長久好生活』。

  3. 友邦保險 | 友邦保險 香港

  4. Award List. At AIA, we have always placed a strong emphasis on innovation, quality customer service and professionalism, and it's with this focus that we are proud to have gained widespread recognition and won numerous industry accolades. Capability. Branding & Marketing. MPF Funds. CSR & ESG. Home. About Us.

  5. AIA provides comprehensive pension solutions which gain industry recognition and fulfil the needs for corporate and individual customers. Here's why: Extensive experience in managing MPF, ORSO, and Macau Pension schemes. Strong financial background.

  6. Asset Allocation 資產分布 (1) (2) (3) (2) 0.74% (3) 1.75% (1) 97.51% Investment Objective 投資目標 To develop a secured source of high recurring income over the long run and the guarantee of capital by investing in prudent, balanced fixed interest instruments and

  7. To demonstrate its purpose of helping people live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives, AIA Hong Kong has sponsored and presented many popular concerts over the years, creating memorable moments for the public and their loved ones with a variety of world-class musical events.

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