雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. How to climb Mt. Fuji, Japan's most famous peak. Towering over Japan at 3,776 meters tall, Mt. Fuji is a worldwide symbol of Japan and a spiritual landmark for its residents. Despite its size, Mt. Fuji is climbed by more than 200,000 hikers every year, including many novices.

  2. 想像一下,一邊泡澡、一邊賞畫. 在日本各個城市的小巷弄中,都能找到日式大眾澡堂。. 這些大型的公共浴池與溫泉很類似,都是因傳統而起。. 經過長期發展,也都自然地成為當地民眾聚會與交流的中心。. 富士山 是大眾澡堂牆壁上最常見的壁畫主題。. 這些 ...

  3. Starting your trek. The Fujinomiya Trail starts from the Fujinomiya Trail 5th Station. Here you can purchase last minute supplies from one of the shops, use the restroom, and prep yourself for the journey ahead. Stop by the General Information Center to get a map and useful information for your hike up. Accessing the trailhead.

  4. 成為古裝劇明星. 人氣最高的莫過於歷史服飾變裝區。. 這裡的專業化妝師及服裝師讓你搖身一變,成為古裝劇明星。. 如果你想要更輕鬆的裝扮,也可以前往「變裝攝影區」,將戲服套在身上即可。. 這裡有約 30 種戲服可供選擇,包括公主、花魁(名妓的一種 ...

  5. Whether you experience Mt. Fuji up close, from the confines of a relaxing hot spring resort or ryokan, or from as far away as Tokyo, there are many ways you can make the country’s tallest mountain part of your Japan adventure. Feel inspired by our specially selected guides, stories and Fuji-related articles.

    • 扶搖 電視1
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    • 扶搖 電視4
  6. Lake Kawaguchiko. Lake Kawaguchiko is the most easily accessible of the Fuji Five Lakes and offers postcard-worthy views of Mt. Fuji from all around the lake. You can frame a snow-capped Fuji with cherry blossoms from Ubuyagasaki in spring, or capture the mountain from Oishi Park in early summer when lavender is in bloom. 7.

  7. 近年,大會將邀請英國BCCiPlayer DJ參加的情況對外轉播,還有法國、德國及韓國的電視台前來採訪,讓越來越多人知道這個全球首屈一指的奇祭,西大寺會場的外國訪客數目逐年遞增,甚至有旅客年年会來參與。

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