雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 餐飲. 適用酒店. 盡情恣享悠然愜意的週末時光,Café Kool為你呈獻「饗樂無限」週末早午自助餐,一系列琳瑯國際美食包括時令凍海鮮、鮮甜加拿大龍蝦(每位可享乙隻)、即切西班牙白毛豬火腿伴香甜蜜瓜,以及更多令人食指大動的特色美饌與甜點,為饕餮盛宴 ...

  2. Restaurant Story. Leisurely Yet Sophisticated. Lobby Lounge is a relaxing place to meet, socialise or simply enjoy afternoon tea with a view of our tropical gardens and luxuriant Banyan Tree. Refreshing cocktails are served in the evening while our musical quintet elevates the ambience.

  3. The innovative cafe TOO brings a high level of creativity to casual dining. Ten cooking theatres, each featuring a different culinary style, are showcases for exciting international cuisines, as well as stages for our chefs’ engaging performances. Price Table – July 2024.

  4. 鄰家樸實的餐飲體驗. 全全天候餐廳設計休閒並富現代感,為食客展開一段與別不同的美食旅程。. 一系列的美食亭展示多種以正宗方法烹調且風味獨特的美食。. 各個美食亭薈萃蒸、炒、煮、炸、甜品吧、新鮮焗製食品等滋味佳餚,盡顯各國美食風味,讓食客 ...

  5. Café Song features Shangri-La’s signature “food theatre” concept, with an exciting collection of live cooking stations serving Asian and Western cuisines with a dash of drama. Monday to Sunday: Breakfast: CNY 185 per person. Lunch: CNY 268 per person. Dinner: CNY 298 per person.

  6. 香港嘉里酒店為客人帶來一連串的餐飲選擇,展示獨特多元化的環球美食。. 由可於戶外露台觀賞維港醉人美景的Red Sugar酒吧,到設有互動烹飪櫃檯的大灣咖啡廳,我們竭力為客人提供多元化的餐飲文化及烹調手法。.

  7. 極致品味 盡享精緻的餐飲體驗. 獲Condé Nast Traveler譽為世界最佳餐飲酒店之一的港島香格里拉,擁有在香港數一數二的頂級餐館,從珀翠餐廳醉人的景色及上佳的法國菜到cafe TOO咖啡廳友善的國際氛圍,您會發現自己難擋在此用餐的誘惑。.

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