雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 0108/08/17週末影片:氣象 0108/8/29如何透過繪本達到教育目標 王怡鳳 0 0 0 6 6 12 0108/8/29 繪本帶領實務技巧初階 邱韻璇、林志忞 0 0 0 6 6 12 0108/09/08週三影片:大浩劫 0 0 0 0 1 1 0108/09/21周末講座: 從921地震看台灣近年來防震減災之發展 郭鎧紋 0 2 ...

  2. 註 此定量降水預報產品技術仍在發展階段,使用此預報產品時,須瞭解其極限,對於颱風及梅雨帶來的大量降水有較高的準確度,至於小範圍的對流降雨則準確度較低,請謹慎使用。 6小時及3小時定量降水預報

  3. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 7 HFSA v0.1A: FV3-based Stand- Alone Regional HAFS coupled with HYCOM, NATL basin HAFS v0.1B: FV3-based Global- nest HAFS, no ocean coupling, NATL basin HAFS v0.1J: FV3-based Stand

  4. Browse Tips 「Forecast wind degree greater than or equal to 6 or wave height greater than or equal to 3 meters, please vessels engaged in marine activities or jobs should pay particular attention to safety」 「Forecast wind degree greater than or equal to 8 or wave ...

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