雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [dʒɔɪ]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 高興 to dance/jump/shout etc. with or for joy 高興得跳起舞來/跳起來/叫起來等
    • 2. 開心果; 樂事 the joys of sth./doing sth. 某事物/做某事的樂趣


  2. 由非牟利機構「童心網絡」主辦的「『ALO 父母心』家長教育APP/系統平台啟動禮、APP功能展示暨家教會Joy in Parenting分享會」今日(14日)於中華基督教會協和小學(長沙灣)完滿舉行。

  3. 2023年4月14日 · Cultivate holistic development of children. HONG KONG, Apr 14, 2023 - (ACN Newswire) - Today, the non-profit organization Children Social Network (CSN) held an initiation ceremony of its ALO Parent Education App/Platform System, together with an app demonstration and Parent-Teacher Association "Joy in Parenting" sharing session.

  4. 2024年3月26日 · 香港教育大學容煒灝博士在分享時表示:「人工智能在教學上帶夠為學生帶來有效顯著的自主動機,其優點包括能提供個人化教學、適應性學習、能夠24/7地提供服務、支援教師角色、滿足非主流及特殊教育需要、避免人類偏見以及能夠即時反饋/行動等 ...

  5. 2023年6月12日 · Additionally, DOTTED is launching "DUCKble The Joy, DUCKble The Fun" campaign, offering participants a chance to win a DOUBLE DUCKs digital collectible, as well as exclusive rewards up for grabs through in-app events.

  6. 2021年4月13日 · Joy Spreader, a marketing technology company with an early entry and a technology path in line with future trends, has already obtained first-mover advantages. According to its annual results, video-based e-commerce, mainly comprising non-live streaming e-commerce to sell goods in DouYin, is becoming an essential driver for its ...

  7. 為吸納內地客,新地十二大商場(東港城、上水廣場、北角匯、將軍澳中心、PopWalk天晉滙、Mikiki、屯門卓爾廣場、屯門錦薈坊、荃錦中心、新領域廣場、life@KCC及joy@KCC)中不少商場鄰近開放口岸及跨境巴士途經地點

  8. 2021年6月4日 · Since Joy Spreader (06988.HK) was incorporated into the MSCI China Small Cap Index with effect upon the closure of the market on May 27, 2021, the Company secured investments from Blackrock Inc. and State Street Group respectively, the two most

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