雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apple 任命无线技术副总裁葛越为副总裁及大中华区董事总经理。 葛越表示:“我很荣幸有这个机会在中国代表Apple,与我们非常有才华的团队更紧密合作。Apple 所有人都对为我们业务所在的社区做出的贡献感到自豪,我期待着加深我们团队与中国顾客、政府和企业的联系,以推动创新和可持续发展。

  2. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks. Craig returned to Apple in 2009 to ...

  3. Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple and serves on its board of directors. Before being named CEO in August 2011, Tim was Apple’s chief operating officer and was responsible for all of the company’s worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities, and service and support in all markets and ...

  4. Isabel Ge Mahe is Apple’s vice president and managing director of Greater China, reporting to CEO Tim Cook and COO Jeff Williams. Isabel provides leadership and coordination across Apple’s China-based team. Isabel joined Apple in 2008 as vice president of Wireless Technologies, overseeing the development of cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC ...

  5. 庆祝农历新年的创意表达方式多种多样,知名影像创作者林嘉澍和潘天鸿选择了使用 iPhone 13 Pro Max 拍摄一部名为 《寒假作业》 的短片来呈现。. 他们和团队尝试挑战使用 iPhone、iPad、Mac 以及他们自己研发的 apps 和配件,在短时间内完成策划和脚本,并在两天内 ...

  6. Apple 目前在全球公司运营方面已经实现了碳中和。. 新承诺意味着到 2030 年,每一部售出的 Apple 设备都不会造成任何气候影响。. “基于我们对大家共享的地球的关注,企业拥有影响深远的机会来帮助建立更可持续的未来。. ”Apple CEO Tim Cook 表示,“推进环境 ...

  7. iPhone 12 Pro 和 iPhone 12 Pro Max 经过精心设计,出众的软件和硬件配合得天衣无缝,让用户能在全球各处畅享先进的 5G 体验。. iPhone 上的 5G 带来极速的上传和下载体验,轻松在线观看高清视频,在线游戏体验更为敏捷流畅,app 的使用可以做到实时互动,还能体验 ...